My pioneer sister called yesterday

by mamamo 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Although that is sad news...and call me a cold b-- if you want...but she already made her choice about the nature of your relationship.

    I'm not saying that to be cruel but actually to help you not feel too guilty. You can't force people to make the right choice.

  • Roberta804

    I am so sorry to hear you have this printing company stand between you and your mother. My story is all over this board and I have received so much support from the folks here as I took care of my JW mom in my own home for 8 years. BUT this is your story; It is a very delicate balance that YOU have to walk. THEY can do whatever pleases them at the moment knowing that either is acceptable depending on THEIR need. May I suggest a scripture? It is one my non-JW Father repeated to me over and over.

    "The Ten Commandments state you have to HONOR your parents, did not say you have to love them". With this armor, and this armor alone I did what my mind was telling me what was right, even while my heart was saying I was being used and abused. God rewarded me 10 fold. I was able to being with my mom as an adult not dependent on her and not afraid her like I was as a child. Oh she was a stubbern one, I actually went to the elders over her secretly preaching to my 12 year old when my back was turned and asked them to put the fear of DF her if she talked religion in my house again. They DID! No problem afterwards. I would also have trouble with her sitting at my dinner table after every assembly. She wanted to eat in the living room and watch TV while she ate. I accomadated her, but it was no more than 3 days before she was back with the family acting apporpriately.

    The point I am trying to make here is the JW have no idea what respect for others mean and when someone respects them regardless of what they believe they don't know how to handle it. You, my dear, have a great opportunity to resolve the respect issue with your mother while she is alive. You can't do it when she is dead.

  • gma-tired2

    Aussie oz you exprssed my thought. When mom was suffering Azeimers I was expected to be responsible for mom needs and told not to damage my mom religious belief. JW sibling did not drive 120 miles to visit mom during moms last two years of life. I felt used as I was working full time and was dealing with Imune disase at the same time.

    Mamamo take care do what you can for your mom this will make you know you are the one living by the bible and god's word while JWs are pretending they are.

  • mamamo

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. My mother has always been very good to my children who have never been in. My son is more than willing to help out with anything my mother needs transportation or otherwise. This is really for the best since, he shouldn't have to miss any of his evening college classes and I won't have to miss work or my college classes. And I know she will be taken care of.

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