April KM Question Box: Cellphones

by pixel 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    There is nothing about blood fractions in the Bible but it didn't stop them making up stuff about that either

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    But how our the "techy" j-dubs supposed to count their time and magazine placements on the Field Service App they have on their smart phones?? This will place undue hardship on pioneers who depend on this App... Now they'll have to spend some time at home doing math just to turn in an accurate time slip at the end of the month... how will they ever get over this crisis?...

  • JWinprotest

    Please tell me the question about Toilet Paper in next month's KM is a joke by the poster

  • Rattigan350

    Why do people need Bible principles for everything? What ever happened to common sense and manners and courtesy?

  • JWinprotest

    Holy crap, I know they were always stingy when it came to paper towels at conventions, but I never thought they would tie bible principles to how many squares of toilet paper you should use when you take a dump at the Kingdom Hall....and to go as far as dedicating a KM question box to it. That seems like a bit much even for them. This has to be a joke!

  • Caminante

    @88JM: Atlantis has been having computer problems recently, that's the reason we haven't seen him online. The April KM should have been out on jw.org for some days, Atlantis posted the March issue on 01/12. Pixel, can you upload the PDF somewhere?

  • besty
    Never would we want to be lax

    Especially when Yoda is writing this stuff...

  • pixel

    @88JM, April KM is in the website for members that have the log-in.

    @jWinprotest, it's a joke. But while they are regulating the use of cellphone, they might as well regulate the use of toilet paper, no?

    @Caminate, I would like to upload the PDF but I can't right now. Nothing much to see besides the regulations on cellphones. The other things are same old crap. They have the same topic they run every-freaking-year for the DC thou.

    It's amusing how the define what a cellphone is: "Cell phones give people the ability to text or speak with one another at virtually any time"
    - No way Sherlock!


  • label licker
    label licker

    It wouldn't surprise me with the toilet paper because the last time we met up with missionaries from Africa they said that before you go to use the washroom there's a brother and sister sitting handing out only two squares of toilet paper to each person. One for pee and one for poo. I laughed and said your joking and they said no. But their bethel home has no rations when it comes to their people. I guess you would have to drip dry on the one and use the two for the other hoping you don't get the hershy squirts.

  • JWinprotest

    LOL...I thought so Pixel, thx for clarifying. I've been away so long that I am a bit out of touch as to what is going on in JW world. Wouldn't shock me though if it was the theme of a local needs talk though.

    Yeah I thought their explanation of what a cell phone does was hilarious as well.

    This thread reminds me of the time my cell phone went off while on stage as reader for the WT study. I thought I had shut it off before going up but I guess I didn't hold the power button down long enough, or maybe I held it too long, who knows.

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