Urgent: Pope Benedictus resigns: a good example for GB

by Gorbatchov 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    Will there now finally be an American Pope. Pope Dolan.?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    That's great to think about such an outcome, but someone will always come in and fill the void and keep the whole racket going.

  • heathen

    now if all cult leaders step down be good a great day

  • cantleave
  • LostGeneration

    Those guys are on the gravy train and they know it. Just think this new guy is only 47 years old. He is basically set for the next 40 years!

    Go to weekly meetings, jet around the world to dedicate branches and assembly halls in return for a few talks. Get treated like a rock star by adoring cult members...Dude has it made.

  • designs

    The Catholics who formed the Survivors Network are none to happy about this Pope hidding out from prosecution.

  • tiki

    i was thinking they might apply for his job........

  • MrFreeze

    My mom said "He probably read a 'Truth' tract and that is why he resigned."

  • oldtimern

    Well ask yourself how many elders havnt say this, "we are so old and tierd so we must step down, "

    I now some myself, and the reson was never come to the crowd, only the elders know, :))

    You dont think this is the same thing, I do

    It i some secret uggly things behind this be sure of that.

  • Satanus

    Oh god, i just listened to cantleaves youtube. Tooo funny.


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