How the new light on the domestics may backfire on the Watchtower Society

by yadda yadda 2 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pterist

    Splash**** Maybe in the Australian courts they meant 'as individuals', or 'when not at HQ', because they are only the FDS when they are***

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the WBTS attorneys stated, while denying the WTBS officials are the FDS, they conceded that the FDS was only a "theolicigal concept" or similar words. This was stated so they would not be responsible for their policies on reporting pedophiles that was not compliant with Australian laws. The reaction of R&F to this is transparent.

    This New Light of "WE ARE the FDS for domestics " and "ARE NOT yet for belongings " is their double talk one for the R&F allowing them to maintain their authority and another for the courts of any land where they deny any legal obligations and or responsibility that this office would hold.

    It only adds to the condition of cognitive dissonance that we all (exJW) suffered and pray our brothers and sisters will be freed from this double talk of deceit.

  • Splash

    Pterist - Nothing to correct there

    Makes me laugh though. It's almost like the GB think by calling themselves a different name they can absolve themselves of responsibility for the rules they have created.

    Like a judge wouldn't cut through it all and say "was it you who wrote this stuff, yes or no?"

  • DesirousOfChange

    99% of JWs don't think at this level. They just follow the "leaders".


  • Pterist

    Splash *** Makes me laugh though. It's almost like the GB think by calling themselves a different name they can absolve themselves of responsibility for the rules they have created.***

    I believe Jesus had very strong words for such Shepards !

    Shalom my friend !

  • alecholmesthedetective

    If only any of the R&F dared to think just a little for themselves and wondered how is it that for all this time the 'great crowd' wasn't considered part of the domestics and now, just like that, in the snap of a finger, "Er, well, you know, we've been thinking and actually, yes! The Great Crowd can be considered part of the dometics!"

    Where is the evidence/basis on which they base this 'new light' and then what was the evidence/basis on which they based the old one (i.e., the domestics are only anointed ones because only they are in the new covenant [?])?

    If only they dared to consider these points from a logical point of view just for a little while.

  • Pterist

    the FDS was only a "theolicigal concept" or similar words....

    THEOLOGICAL CONCEPT ....SORRY CANT SPELL TO SAVE MY LIFE LOL........nice "ammo" for constructive criticism from the elite.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I agree with St George, but I am only suggesting that this new teaching may cause a minority fringe of JW's who do think deeply about such things to conclude that they can partake. After all, it's felt that it was the 'new light' in 2007 that the door to the heavenly calling was 'evidently' not closed in 1935 that triggered the sudden increases in memorial partakers since.

    What may go through their minds is: The GB says this new teaching 'dignifies' the other sheep so the GB wants to elevate our status, the other sheep are now a part of the Master's household just the same as the anointed class are, they get the holy spirit the same as the anointed do, and the anointed do not have any special insight any more than the other sheep (all confirmed by the Society in the last few years), so why shouldn't I also be counted as in the new covenant and partake of the emblems irrespective of whether my destination if heaven or earth.

    It could mean that the Watchtower Society is opening the door to this idea creeping into people's heads. And it could mean that new partakers are not only those who are of a 'heavenly calling' but also of the earthly class. After all, the sheep are said to "inherit the Kingdom" too - Matt 25.

    This has nothing to do with legal maneouvering by the Society. Unfortunately the Watchtower's lawyer is quite correct. The courts have no interest whatsoever in theological concepts and that's al the FDS teaching it. It doesn't matter a jot whether the GB claims to be or not be the FDS, it is the Watchtower Society as a whole as a legal entity that is being sued. I cannot imagine for the life of my why some court papers reportedly naively put the FDS down as the defendant. I find that hard to believe.

  • Robert222

    I always think their new light is just recycled from the 1950's, when a lot weren't born yet or would have no knowledge of old teachings. I remember from my mother that it was believed that as a surprise, at a random memorial, ALL baptized JWs in attendance would be told to partake of the emblems, that they had been sealed for everlasting life. This would keep members coming to the memorials hoping to be inducted. This was just an old rumor I remember hearing as a kid....I just think a lot are sitting and hoping, waiting for something to happen....when all that is happening is they are separated from family, friends, and their money.

    One not so nice rumor from the 1980's was that ALL would be told to partake because it would be a Jim Jones type thing, and the GB and honchos in Brooklyn could take the money and run to another country. I heard a bunch of bizarre rumors as a kid...just a pathetic group of bored people hanging onto a nothing religion, nothing to work for, just bothering people each Saturday handing out magazines.

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