How the new light on the domestics may backfire on the Watchtower Society

by yadda yadda 2 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pterist

    **** The new light is a bit of give and take by the GB.****

    I wish it were a bit of give for the disenfranchised "great crowd" to be made aware of the full benefits of Christ's New Life PERSONALLY working in them. I see it more of a "conditioning" of the R&F to accept their contradictory statements in courts of law where they have said and will continue to say "We are NOT the FDS" for any legal responsibilities that come with such an office of oversight for their flock. The "New Light " is that the GB represent the FDS since 1919, BUT the anointed (including them) are NOT the FDS until their resurrection to new life in the heavens and at the great tribulation.

    It's double speak in their Orwellion world.


  • Splash

    Pterist, the new light is that the GB 'ARE' the FDS (not represent them), since 1919.

    Prior to 1919 there was no FDS, and since 1919, the general anointed are not the FDS. Period.

    When the inspection comes at the Gt Trib, then the FDS (all anointed, not just the GB - yes, it's a different description of the FDS!), at that time they are appointed over all of Christ's belongings.



    If Room215 is right, then they will NEVER say that all should partake. That would simply open the door for too many " cooks " in the kitchen. The GB barely have control as it is. They have actually had to come out and say " Do not study the Bible in small groups, do not study Hebrew and Greek, You will be df'd if you associate with df'd ones!" They are so scared right now and are in so much hot water with the Courts, they are not going to say that all can partake.

    This is all guess work of course. Maybe, if they survive the next decade, they will go more mainstream for survival and say that all should partake. I can't see them doing it soon, because they need to regroup and get Warwick completed and survive the current problems of increasing partakers and the pedophile problems.

  • Pterist

    Splash ***the new light is that the GB 'ARE' the FDS (not represent them), since 1919.***

    Well, in the courts they say they are NOT !

    Like when some R&F were present in the court case in Australia and gasped when the WBTS attorneys stated that the GB are NOT the FDS. This "new light" allows them to speak out of both sides of their orifice (mouth) !



    I do think saying that all should partake would solidify the group. They could only do it after a few more overlappers die off and the WT library only goes back to 2010. Even then, if a REAL end doesn't come in our lifetimes, the GB will be faced with another dilema. How do you continually invent a carrot for people to chase? Would they start saying that even if you partake, you still won't get life without the GB seal of approval? Will tithing come back? If this trend keeps up the WTBTS will be another hierarchy like the CC in every way! I can't fathom a benevolent creator letting that cycle continue. No wonder the way of truth is spoken of abusively! HOW LONG YHWH?!

  • Splash

    Pterist you've got it in one.

    Maybe in the Australian courts they meant 'as individuals', or 'when not at HQ', because they are only the FDS when they are

    1. part of the GB

    2. all sat together

    3. at Brooklyn HQ.

    I think we can discern this set up from the scriptures quite easily, from the subtext of Mt 24:45.

    ?? ??


  • Splash

    Double post

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    IMO.......this won't cause much backfire. The vast majority of dubs still in, are "all in", so to speak. These changes and variations in JW doctrine are just a change in the menu of their spirutual food.

  • prologos

    Yadda yadda 2 You are right about

    the new covenant=forgivness of sins.

    cup of the (new) covenant to be partaken by ALL.

    These are simple truth, interesting is the convoluted route that will lead the WT BtS followers there.

    Pterist, Splash: did they not say: " A SMALL NUMBER OF BROTHERS at HEADQUARTERS, when ACTING TOGETHER are the F&DS" ?

    The questions remaining are: Can you be in the NAOS and under the TENT with mankind at the same time?

    Can you partake of the NEW COVENANT symbolic emblems (for forgivness) and COMMUNION with Christ's body for all too?

    ARe the 12 tribes of Rev.7 the EARTHLY CLASS as The WT BtS teaches?

    Are these matters as real, relevant as the rib-cloned lady conversing with the talking snake? thank you, great topic.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    ......did they not say: " A SMALL NUMBER OF BROTHERS at HEADQUARTERS, when ACTING TOGETHER are the F&DS" ?

    Which brings up an interesting question. When the Govening Body meets to vote on some new light toxtrine change, and request holy spirit to guide them...... are GB members who vote in the minority against the new light still considered part of the F&DS? With this new light it would seem a GB member could go back and forth between being part of the F&DS and not being part of the F&DS.

    This is bat-shit crazy level cult stuff.

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