Fading with children in tow

by brainmelt 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Welcome to JWN Brainmelt. Such an interesting introduction. So many new ones are waking up now. Take your fade very slow. You will get some good advice here. Also, different things that happen from now on could give you a good opportunity to fade faster.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Hello brainmelt - and welcome to you and your family.

    I remember, so many years ago, that same feeling of 'brain melt'. So much pain, but it lessens with each assurance and success.

    I'm glad you came here - there is so much wise and compassionate friendship to help you all live joyful free lives.

    And great timing too -with the young ones about to start school unfettered - the world is their oyster..

    It will all take shape as fast the kids outgrow their old shoes - so keep us well posted.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    No need to make any rushed decisions. Keep reading here and think about your personal circumstances and what plans you want for your future. Think about a fade, that's what I've done, as well as lots of others. It sounds like you're busy enough with kids and mom that they take priority over "WT ministry" which is just "busy work."

    Lots of others here have faded with spouses and kids. I'm sure they'll have great questions and suggestions for you.

  • villagegirl

    What exactly is "the opostate stuff" jgnat refers to ?? The Bible states there is ONE mediator between God and Man.

    That mediator is not eight men in New York City who call themselves the "Governing Body" How do we know this??

    Because the Bible clearly states " There is ONE mediator between God and he is Jesus Christ." Whe men, leaders, or a class, put themselves

    in the position of "mediator" they are "standing in the Holy Place" and they are that "Man of lawlessness" Because they ursurp the position

    of mediator. We have no "Special Knowledge" every doctrine, every belief ever written in a WT was originated by late 19th Century American

    Adventists. Adventists were anti-Trinity, anti-hellfire doctrine, anti-priests, and very much into the thousand year reign of Christ on earth.

    Early Adventist came BEFORE Russell, and before the Watch Tower Organization. Earlly adventists,1854 onward calculated the Bopk of Daniel prophecies and came up with the idea we were living in the time of the end and that Chrisendom was babylon the Great and that an earthly thousand year reign of Christ was at hand. This was not soem "revealed knowledge" to the "faithful and discreet slave of the Watchtower"

    The WT did not think this up or invent it. It was already being preached by adventists and tent meetings in the mid nineteenth century.

    You cannot stick to thinking the governing body is the "sole channel of communcation between God and man" because that makes YOU an apostate according to Jesus Christ who is himself the mediator. The veil needs to be off your eyes to see this. We have direct access to Jesus Christ, no mediator in the form of a "governing body" is required. This is Biblical, the words of jesus himself.

  • problemaddict


    Just because biblical accounts may seem off to you doesn't mean there is no creator. But regardless, that is your decision to make one way or the other. Stopping your kids rom being indoctrinated is key, but its hard to do halfway.

    Don't rush like Billy said. Take your time, and for goodness sake learn everything you can about your former faith that you didn't know.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome brainmelt, You brain has not melted: you have awakened! The more that you think for yourself instead of letting the Watchtower and its leaders think for you the better you will feel. Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited Steve Hassan's website, or watched videos of Steve Hassan like the following video? If you are financially secure, I would recommend contacting Steve Hassan to locate a cult exit counselor who lives near you to help you, your husband, and children awaken and heal.


    Enjoy the rest of your life, because you are a Dangerous Cult Survivor. Think, do research, and make plans to fade from the Watchtower. Go slowly with your husband, because he may surprise you with how indoctrinated he is. Post often on JWN to help you release your emotions so that you can get through the stages of grief that will occur because of your loss in belief in the leaders of the Watchtower, as well as get advice about awakening your husband, children, and other JW family and friends. Do independent research of the Watchtower, and encourage your children to learn to think critically and do independent research. Go out and meet non-JWs who you and your husband may share common interests. Get your children involved in non-JW activities where they can meet non-JW children. Encourage your children to make play dates with non-JW children, who you and your husband like the children and parents. Send you and your husband's parents lots of emails with pictures of you and your husband having wonderful times with your children and new non-JW friends doing new and fun activities.

    Also, if you do not go through exit cult counseling, please read the thread We're both out 2 years now- crossroads by LittleMac to understand how important it will be for you and your husband to improve your communications with each other as well as to understand how your personalities may change so that you can grow together instead of apart.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • eyesropen323

    Welcome! When you see your childrens smiles and happiness when you are doing different things with them that you couldn't do before like celebrating their bdays and holidays or just them participating in sports...it will make you sooo happy!!

  • whathappened

    It is exciting to see so many new ones joining our community each day. Welcome.

    I am a raised in 58 year old mother of a still in JW daughter. (i've been out two yrs now.) She has a 4 yr old son and I love them both so much. Had she went apostate, instead of me, I would never have shunned her. I could never give up my own child and grandchild. Your parents have a lot to lose if they decide to shun you. They may not do it. If you are really close, they may just keep quiet about their association with you.

    Keep us updated, please.

  • whathappened

    It is exciting to see so many new ones joining our community each day. Welcome.

    I am a raised in 58 year old mother of a still in JW daughter. (i've been out two yrs now.) She has a 4 yr old son and I love them both so much. Had she went apostate, instead of me, I would never have shunned her. I could never give up my own child and grandchild. Your parents have a lot to lose if they decide to shun you. They may not do it. If you are really close, they may just keep quiet about their association with you.

    Keep us updated, please.

  • smiddy

    Welcome brainmelt,I hope all goes well with your fade,I`m sure you will get excellent advice from folk going through similar experiences as you.


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