If you had a JC and spilled your "Personal Beans" did you really think it stayed confidential?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    We all "know" JC's are suppose to be private....so that the uniniated, Innocent, can speak freely. I say, uninitiated, because once you spill your guts and the Elders use your embarassing , heart wrenching story as a lead off at their next get together/party, for a laugh, you have been initiated into your local Brothers Hall of Fame.

    So, are those JC's, really private?

    Can you really talk privately, about your love of violent video games, masterbation, oral sex, shop lifting, doing drugs, or "doing" anything or anybody, and expect total confidentiality in the Watch Tower Society Elder world?

    Just Lois Just sharing before you go share personal stuff next time

    PS...The qualifications for my opinion, being baptized, for a really long time.

  • designs

    Sadly you are right. Among the many faults of the JC process the guys breaking confidence and telling wives or other brothers was terrible. You could bet money on JC details being part of the next Elders and wives dinner party.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    On the whole, the elders I served with over the more than 10 years I was one, maintained confidentiality. With a couple very shocking, irritating exceptions.

    The one I remember the most was a JW husband admitted to a homosexual encounter. For some reason the PO felt it was necessary to share this with the ENTIRE elder body of about 10 elders. WTF?

    Looking back I wish I had called him out on this.


  • insearchoftruth4

    Heck No! Just Lois, since day 1,some of them idiots (elders) got some of the worst mouths. Always talking about people. Strange thing when you are to new to the org or done something wrong, you feel like you got to say something to these fools to get right with God. That is a major mistake! Anyone facing a jc meeting or whatever, do not be intimidated by these freaks, they are cowards, just tell em GO TO HELL.... BTW Lois I really enjoy your threads and commentaries.(POWERFUL) sis!.......insot4

  • mauiboy

    Designs, you are absolutely right. I've been there on all phases of judicial committees. Once as an 'offender', once as a witness, and 'way too many times as an elder.....all-in-all: What a crock of horse shit. I've heard 'elders' tell married couples not to discuss an adulterous event once they left that committee meeting; that it was never to be mentioned between them again. After the committee decided what action to take,it was over. What the hell kind of rotten advice is that??? Then one of the elders went home and told his wife the whole thing, and what a bunch of broken hearts that action created. All things considered, If you're gullible enough to believe you can trust 'em, then you get what you deserve.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Since I never served as an elder, I was not privy to one of these "meetings". However, that didn't mean I wasn't aware of some of the topics of those JC's. One elder I was friends with would talk to me about matters as if I was an elder.

  • Zordino

    I think you would have more privacy if you spilled your Beans on CNN Live! Having said that, I'm sure there are some Elder's who would take the Privacy issue seriously and not blab to anyone.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I've known 2 different PO / COBE sons in my time to a very high degree and both were privy to all sorts of personal stuff that their elder daddy had so obviously blabbed to them. I would assume the wives also would have had similar "access" to this information, ... I found it shocking that they knew this stuff and that dad couldnt do his job properly (i.e confidentially). , but now I know that's nigh on impossible.

    NEVER EVER share personal stuff with elders! If you believe it will stay confidential you will find yourself much mistaken.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I was responsible for reporting the serious wrongdoing of an elder who eventually got removed. (only after a lot of pain and persistence on my part!!)

    As soon as the dust settled, the Service Overseer's wife became all motherly and sympathetic to me for no apparent reason. I started to get my suspicions, and these were confirmed pretty soon when a sister "in the know" informed me that a member of the S.Os own family revealed that he discussed everything with his wife.

    So the S.Os wife would have known about the distress I went through to have the lying, unrepentant, pervert elder dealt with scripturally.

  • DesirousOfChange

    There is no accountability. So it just depends on the character of the individual Elder. I knew some that were stringent about confidentialtiy. I was. My wife did not know about an affair of her sister, until her sister told her years later (assuming she already knew from me). Others were like a leaky bucket. One in particular (VERY prominent Clergyman) used his "insider" position to make young MS or pioneers feel "special" because he would discuss high level circuit & cong issues with them. After all, they were "nearly" elders.


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