Interesting moment on subway today & other thoughts

by sd-7 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    .. LOL

    Don't worry, it has happened to me before ... for me it was a reminder of how far I've come and I thank God for that!

  • Giordano

    I've been active in volunteer work for the last 15 years, an arts organization, a historic preservation foundation, an artists studio tour and co-coordinator of a weekly chess game at our local library. Of which I am proud to say that we are the only chess group that got thrown out of the library for rowdy behavior (we trash talk one another), took us a year before they let us back in. In each case I met great people, developed friendships based at first on our common interests that then developed into a general relationship. People who volunteer perform an important service for the community, I have concluded that they are a special breed and well worth getting to know.

    Being together an hour a day or week, working on a project, being part of a team allows for relationships to grow organically.....not forced.

    Sounds like you could do with some companionship.

  • sd-7

    The last time I was in your area, two other former JWs and I were on the metro. This lady got on, held the pole with one hand, and held the daily

    with the other. She proceeded to stand there and stare at same text for 10 to 15 minutes. That was bizarre.

    Hilarious, Londo. Not sure what about a text would warrant that, especially since you could probably read the whole thing in probably less than 3 minutes...

    SD- I have a different phone number, I will PM it to you. There is a meet up right where you work @ the end of Feb, why not try to make it. I will try but it will depend alot on how the rehab goes with my hip. I had it replaced Dec 26. Check for a PM.

    Thanks--got it. Wow. Hope you're hangin' in there. My office actually moved from there sometime ago, but at least I can find it if I need to.

    Nature abhors a vacuum. When you left the religion you created a void. I like the suggestion about volunteering your time. Pick a good and humane cause to get involved in.

    Probably a good idea. I've been thinking about this issue and it's not going to be easy. Ah, finally! I had this movie quote in my head, "Come on! Show a little backbone!" And I couldn't remember where it was from, and now I just realized it was from Indiana Jones, you know the 'Raiders' scene at the beginning, snake on the plane, "I hate snakes, Jacques! I hate 'em!" Okay...tangent...but the quote was probably my subconscious' message to me.

    Problem is, anywhere I go on my own could generate suspicion/tension at home. Hence the need for backbone. I guess she's greatly concerned about me cheating. But let's not go down that road again...

    I feel marginally better today, but I've been thinking on this issue; now that you mention it, maybe there's that river cleanup program I did years ago...could see if they're still around. Well, thanks. You saved me from ordering a root beer at the local bar and getting waylaid by [fill in the blank, can't think of anything].


  • out4good3

    Problem is, anywhere I go on my own could generate suspicion/tension at home. Hence the need for backbone. I guess she's greatly concerned about me cheating.

    What luck........I just happen to have a couple on sale!!!! Act Fast as they are a limited supply item.


  • sd-7




  • Pickler

    Hey sd7, anyone would get depressed being around witnesses too much, all that godliness & waiting for Armageddon.

    The thing I've noticed is that we were taught to be really good at delaying any gratification/pleasure ( the whole wait for the new system thing ) ....not so good at actually just going for it and doing what it takes to get yourself happy NOW!!!

    I have met some real hedonists since I've been out, and I tell you, I've learnt that they are right - get what fun you can out of life, because it can be gone in an instant!!!!

    Your time is now!

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