Gone Fishing . . .

by ABibleStudent 31 Replies latest members private

  • ABibleStudent

    I'm getting ready to post more comments to WTBTS infomercials. I have studied briefly with JWs, but I do not understand how JWs think other than what I have learned by reading threads on exJW forums, and reading Steve Hassan's book and watching his videos.

    I would appreciate constructive suggestions to comments that I post to WTBTS infomercials to plant seeds of doubt. I would rather get constructive help from members of JWN, but I do understand that many JWN members do not agree with my methods. My objectives are:

    • Plant seeds of doubt in JWs with doubts, bible studies, exJWs, and non-JWs outside of JWN. I do not believe that I could ever write something that would cause doubt in a "Spiritually Strong" (blindly following the Watchtower) JW.
    • Help to stop the WTBTS from promoting itself by spending money for WTBTS infomercials.
    • Provide hyperlinks to four or less reputable websites that JWs might learn from without raising their WTBTS shields. I realize that there are many good websites to include in my comments and I do welcome suggestions for other websites than www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , www.jwsurvey.org, and www.freedomofmind.com.
    • Limit length of comments so that it can be read within 3 seconds.
    • Ask more open-ended questions than Yes-No-answer questions and declarative statements to engage a person's brain and try to avoid unproductive debates.
    • Choose words carefully to increase curiosity by the authentic persona of a reader. I do not want to explain what "TTATT" or "BITE" is in my comments.

    After reviewing comments by others in this thread and reviewing several other threads for inspiration, I am thinking about posting the following comments and similar types of comments.

    Comment 1 -

    Even if the Watchtower doesn't know the Truth, "Where else would you go?" I went to www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org to learn "TTATT" .

    Comment 2 -

    Could the Watchtower ever make a mistake to convince you that it was not Jehovah's Organization? I learned "TTATT" visiting www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org .

    Comment 3 -

    What mistake by the Watchtower would convince you that it was not Jehovah's Organization? I learned "TTATT" visiting www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org .

    Comment 4 -

    If JWs despise molestation of children like Catholics, how would you react to the Watchtower protecting pedophile perpetrators? I learned how BITE control techniques are used to victimize JWs by visiting www.freedomofmind.com .

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ABibleStudent

    While searching for WTBTS infomercials to post comments on, I read the following article New Documentary Aims To Lift Veil On Jehovah's Witnesses. Several people wrote positive and negative comments about the WTBTS. I clicked "Like" on several posters comments about the WTBTS, and posted my own comment.

    What mistake by the Watchtower would convince a Jehovah Witness that the Watchtower is not Jehovah's Organization? I learned "TTATT" visiting www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org .

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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