Gone Fishing . . .

by ABibleStudent 31 Replies latest members private

  • ABibleStudent

    I got another reply from kindakinkskrazy to the article Coco Rocha Is A Devout Jehovah's Witness -- Who Knew? (see quote box below).

    photo nodangerousorgs 0 Fans 01:05 AM on 02/03/2013 If you want to learn more about the Watchtower visit www.jwfacts.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.jwsurvey.org, and www.jehovahs-witness.net, or visit www.freedomofmind.com to learn how BITE control techniques are used to victimize JWs. Favorite (0) Flag as Abusive Permalink | Share it photo kindakinkskrazy 1 Fans Become a fan 09:10 PM on 02/14/2013 If one wants to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, one must go to the source. All unofficial sites are manned by those who are not able to live up to the high standards found in the Bible. Haters will always fein that they've been maligned by this or that. It's so apparent.

    WWW.JW.ORG the ONLY official site to get the truth from. Period. Favorite (0) Flag as Abusive Permalink | Share it photo nodangerousorgs 0 Fans 11:07 PM on 02/14/2013 JWs and exJWs on www.jehovahs-witness.net unconditionally love DA'ed, DF'ed, and rank & file JWs, and non-JWs. Before they awakened, they felt like you do! Did you learn to conditionally love non-JWs by visiting www.jw.orgor attending meetings?

    My user name is ABibleStudent on www.jehovahs-witness.net and I invite all JWs, DF'ed JWs, and DA'ed JWs to visit and freely chat with exJWs and JWs without fear of being shunned. Favorite (0) Flag as Abusive Permalink | Share it photo kindakinkskrazy 1 Fans Become a fan 15 hours ago (10:11 AM) No doubt that it is a real test of our love of righteousness and of our loyalty to God when deciding to distanse ourselves from those who've choosen to be unrepentant and ignore Jehovah's warnings. Jehovah understands the pain we may feel. I try to think about the pain Jehovah must have experienced when some of his angelic sons rebelled. Jehovah knows how painful such a circumstance can be, he requires that unrepentant sinners be disfellowshipped. But we must take these reminders to heart and loyally upheld the disfellowshipping arrangement. Such loyalty makes Jehovah’s heart glad.—Prov. 27:11. Staying loyal is showing that you love the wrongdoer enough to do what is best for him or her. My loyalty to Jehovah may increase the likelihood that the disciplined one will repent and return to Jehovah. I was disfellowshipped for years and I missed the warm friendship I once enjoyed with my spiritual brothers and sisters, also the loving attention from the elders. And I was away from the vital spiritual instruction I had enjoyed. In the world, where there is “no law” from Jehovah, I felt a great sense of loss. Eventually I choose to return to an approved condition before Jehovah and enjoy rich blessings again. (2 Cor. 2:6-10)
    to be con't.... Favorite (0) Flag as Abusive Permalink | Share it photo kindakinkskrazy 1 Fans Become a fan 15 hours ago (10:20 AM) You certainly must agree that obeying Jehovah and never coming to be without law is much to be preferred.
    Those who choose to disobey and associate with erring ones must know they will not prosper spiritually. Remember Gal.6:7 "?Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap..." Ultimately we ALL answer to Jehovah. I sense that you are not exactly in good standing? Be upfront about your status. I am not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet.( Isaiah 5:20; Matthew 7:6) I hope you and others like you come to your senses before it's too late. Nothing compares to that moment when it is announced to the congregation that one's been re-instated, nothing. I started living again! Jehovah's displine is all about love. Favorite (0) Flag as Abusive Permalink | Share it

    I tried several times and several ways to write a reply to kindakinkskrazy, but I believe that the Huffington Post limits posts to 100 posts per article. It kinda of sucks that kindakinkskrazy wrote such a long reply that it prevented me from responding to him. so here is my reply to kindakinkskrazy out there in cyberspace:

    Best of wishes to you following the Pharisaical doctrines of the Governing Body (GB) of the Watchtower. I will continue to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, who is our mediator with Our Father in Heaven, and not the GB! When you awaken, you will heal faster emotionally by posting on www.jehovahs-witness.net and learning to deprogram yourself of Watchtower induced phobias and BITE control techniques by visiting www.freedomofmind.com, reading Steve Hassan's books, and/or watching videos of Steve Hassan, such as www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw-oF-Z_I7U .

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love, Robert

  • Simon

    Please don't keep posting the same thing over and over - there is no need and it weakens your message (it looks obsessive and spammy).

    Ah Danny Haszard. Undoubtedly one of THE greatest assets that the WatchTower has - everything they want an Apostate to be: loud, laughable, unbelievable, libelous and vitriolic. He actually pepper sprayed two elderly witnesses (and video taped it) and expected everyone to applaud and then got pissey because people quite rightly condemned his actions.

    The best approach is to be reasonable and informative. Looking like a too-obsessive loon doesn't really convince many people (except other loons and any loon can convince them ...).

    If you repeatedly paste the same thing everywhere you just look like an obsessive type with a grudge and no life. Better to be engaging and willing to discuss things than the virtual equivalent of standing with a plackard and a megaphone ... that's just so 1970s.

  • ABibleStudent

    Simon - Please don't keep posting the same thing over and over - there is no need and it weakens your message.

    Hi Simon, What have I posted over and over again? I try not to repeat myself in threads that I write and I definately do not just BTTT this thread without adding something new to it.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    P.S. - Simon did you erase your initial comment of "Stop Spamming" and my question back to you?

  • ShirleyW

    Is that Coca Rocha article still going on in HuffPo? I posted a few times on that article, some uberdub found one of my comments after I posted it two weeks ago and tried to start up some BS convo about the Borg or whatever, I responded and i guess shut her down because she didn't answer back

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ShirleyW, Is Coco Rocha Is A Devout Jehovah's Witness -- Who Knew? the article that you were referring to? I do feel that no one can post a comment to the article anymore because either the Huffington Post limits comments to 100 or to a maximum amount of storage.

    By the way for posting comments to WTBTS infomercials.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Simon

    Yes, I removed the duplicate snippets and tried to explain better what I meant.

    Please do not go round posting the same snippets to lots of other sites as though you represent this one.

  • ABibleStudent

    Simon - Yes, I removed the duplicate snippets and tried to explain better what I meant.

    Please do not go round posting the same snippets to lots of other sites as though you represent this one.

    Hi Simon,

    So is your issue with my comments in this thread that I'm spamming on JWN, or that I'm spamming on other sites to inform JWs and other people about reputable internet resources that are available to them? According to JWN rules on spamming (i.e., Spamming - Please don't add the same comment to more than one forum.) , I am doing neither

    Why do you feel that what I write on other sites is representing JWN? I have never written nor implied that I represent JWN when I post to other sites. I have only written JWN's url with other reputable websites and how people can find me if they want to.

    If your issue is that my posts imply that I am representing JWN on other websites, which of the following would you prefer:

    Option 1 -

    If you want to learn more about the Watchtower visit www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org , or visit www.freedomofmind.com to learn how BITE control techniques are used to victimize JWs.

    Don't visit www.jehovahs-witness.net, because the cyber God may not like what you write and DF you.

    Option 2 -

    If you want to learn more about the Watchtower visit www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org , or visit www.freedomofmind.com to learn how BITE control techniques are used to victimize JWs.

    Don't visit www.jehovahs-witness.net. It will waste your time like attending meetings at the KH.

    Option 3 -

    If you want to learn more about the Watchtower visit www.jwfacts.com , www.watchtowerdocuments.com , and www.jwsurvey.org , or visit www.freedomofmind.com to learn how BITE control techniques are used to victimize JWs.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Simon
    So is your issue with my comments in this thread that I'm spamming on JWN, or that I'm spamming on other sites to inform JWs and other people about reputable internet resources that are available to them? According to JWN rules on spamming (i.e., Spamming - Please don't add the same comment to more than one forum.) , I am doing neither

    No, you are doing both. In many topics now you repeat the SAME paragraphs over and over again and it makes you look like a nut.

    Your problem is that you still think and act exactly like a JW. "If only we get in people's faces enough times and repeat the same dogmatic statements enough times then people will be convinced by our message !"

    Newsflash: they won't - you'll just annoy people.

    Their is a line between informing and notifying people and being an annoying little spam generator.

    Why do you feel that what I write on other sites is representing JWN? I have never written nor implied that I represent JWN when I post to other sites. I have only written JWN's url with other reputable websites and how people can find me if they want to.

    It looks as though you are promoting this site which is typically something that he owner of a site does or instigates.

    If your issue is that my posts imply that I am representing JWN on other websites, which of the following would you prefer:
    Don't visit www.jehovahs-witness.net , because the cyber God may not like what you write and DF you.
    Don't visit www.jehovahs-witness.net . It will waste your time like attending meetings at the KH.

    Is that supposed to scare me? So, you make threats and throw insults if I don't "sanction" what you want to do? Pretty funny that it's followed immediately by ...

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,

    ... to show just how hypocritical and empty your typical "Christian-in-my-own-mind-but-I-missed-the-whole-point-of-the-christianity-message" sentiment is.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Simon,

    Simon - Your problem is that you still think and act exactly like a JW. "If only we get in people's faces enough times and repeat the same dogmatic statements enough times then people will be convinced by our message !"

    Look in the mirror. I have never been a JW. I saw through the WTBTS immediately. Please read my intoduction: (Belated) Hello.

    Simon - Is that supposed to scare me? So, you make threats and throw insults if I don't "sanction" what you want to do? Pretty funny that it's followed immediately by ...

    I don't make threats (please see JWN rule 1). I gave you three options and you chose none of them. The last option was to delete the JWN url from any comments that I write to WTBTS infomercials, which I was already planning on doing. I cannot in good conscience recommend JWN now after your preceeding posts.

    Simon - ... to show just how hypocritical and empty your typical "Christian-in-my-own-mind-but-I-missed-the-whole-point-of-the-christianity-message" sentiment is.

    Fo a long time now, I have ended my posts with " Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,", but just for you I will make an exception.



  • Simon
    I don't make threats (please see JWN rule 1). I gave you three options and you chose none of them.

    That's laughable. "Hey would you like to be shot in the head, stabbed in the kneck or do as I say? ... it's not a threat, I'm just giving you options!"

    I have to say, if you've *never* been a JW your obsession with them seems ... well, just very weird and your use of JW/exJW expressions like "DF you" and "attending meetings" sounds like you are just regurgitating things that YOU have no real experience of.

    For a long time now, I have ended my posts with " Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,", but just for you I will make an exception.

    Good. Whenever I hear those lame expressions I know we have a Christian wannabe who probably doesn't really follow the credence but likes to trot out the mantra thinking it makes them look like a good person.

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