24,000 Partakers This Time?

by Cameron_Don 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pterist

    Eden: **** I can't say if they do this metaphorically or they think they fulfill that role *****

    Either way, those on this forum whose shared motivation is to help JWs escape "cult like" organisations should share our observations when we find them, without agenda or self interest.

    Thanks Eden.

  • TeenageInsider

    there probably going to invent some reason why theirs an increase in partakers:

    NEXT UP:

    "THE 144,000 IS FIGURATIVE!"

    And the Jw's in the audience will be like:


  • steve2

    Falsifying the number of partakers is not new. I can remember in the 1960s and 70s, the brothers in my local congregation purposely excluded some partakers from the annual count because they judged those partakers to be spiritually immature and/or delusional. The brothers never openly talked about it but somehow it was known that at least a couple of loose canon witnesses who "thought" they were of the anointed and partook of the emblems were never included in the annual tally.

    That said, it is an eye-opener that currently, for several consecutive years, the organization has published the increasing number of annual partakers.

  • nibbled

    I came to realize that the Truth was a man and not a religion by reading the scriptures through cover-to-cover using a 90-day YouVersion reading plan and a different version than the NWT.

    After that it's been a non-stop journey of coming to learn "all the truth" by means of the spirit of truth sent as the helper. That has been the coolest experience ever.

    One of the stops along the way was the question about the whole memorial thing. "Keep doing this in rememberance of me"... only that meant just a few people in the first few years of the first century, and then a few others at the end of the world as we know it?

    I took a friend to the memorial who had grown up Christian. It was eye opening trying to explain why everyone had refused the body and blood of Christ.

    At some point I found the anointedjw.org site but was put off by yet another person claiming to speak for God or Christ and interfereing in my relationship with them. Being Christ's ambassodors, such as mentioned at 2 Corinthians 5:20 has nothing to do with "subbing him out" as it were. He's reigning just fine in heaven, where he's done since he got there at his father's right hand after he died and was resurrected into spirit.

    With or without the anointedjw.org initiative the major problem is that only those who are protesting the Watchtower would bother to enter a Kingdom Hall and sit through a ceremony denying the Christ to partake of the emblems.

    Those who are called to Christ partake as often as they remember him, and recognize the signifigance of the emblems and don't degrade that by using them as a means to an end. Christ woke you up, didn't he? Can't he do that for your friends too? What have you got to do with it?

    The number who remember Christ cannot be numbered anyone. Remember—it's a great crowd which no man is able to number. Even if that man claims to speak for God.

    Here's to the crazy ones...

    Memorial partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea that was the biggest kiss off I ever saw. They just threw 12k under the bridge

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