As I stated in my last post, my son, age 21 visited his jw grandparents and aunt and uncle in another state. When he left, about 2 months ago, he wasn't sure if he wanted to come back at all or just stay and live with them. Right before leaving, he quit his part time job, dropped out of school, mid quarter and left to go to a comic book convention with his jw uncle. Doesn't make sence to me to make these rash decisions for a comic book convention... had to be more to it but no on tells me anything. When he was out of state for those 2 months he called me only once to ask for money to pay for his plane ticket home but talked to mom at least once a week.
I have two other sons ages 12 and 15 and a daughter thats 8. Since my son turned 21 a few months ago, he's been going to every meeting. The love bombing is really working on him by people in my wife congregation and from my wifes family. I can't even talk to him as he has tuned me out and has already probably been warned that I may become more hostile about him going to every meeting since he knows how I feel about this religion. My 8 year old daughter adhores my son and goes to the meetings with him and mom once in a while but not always. My 12 and 15 year old sons never go to meetings.
You may be getting the picture as I describe my situation. Honestly, I think my wife has already decided that she is going to push as hard as she can to have my son and my daughter be jw's while not trying so hard for my other two sons, leaving that job up to my oldest son while putting me on the spot to be confrontational, so she can teach my son about persecution, or emasculate me further as I do allow these things to keep peace. Here is my issue... All the JW's in my wife's family seem screwed up in one way or another. Broken families or living at the poverty level on government cheese. Those who were never baptised, as far as I know, are shunned cuz they're either in jail or on drugs. My son has yet to put it together that the religion may have something to do with that.
Now, I know alot of people are hurting right now financially with the economy as it is but ever since my father in law decided to cave in on being reinstated with he jw's about 12 years ago, everything went down him for them financially. He left a great paying job to put more time in his ministry and everything, financially, hit the fan. None of my wifes family have regular jobs, they are being kept afloat by odd jobs given to them by people in their congregation and living in homes owned by jw's who charge them reduced rent. My son sees me working hard every day for years, sacrificing my own time to support us, while my wife sits around, doing laundry, washing dishes, doing laundry and washing dishes, doing laundry and wahing dishes... that's literally all she does. I know those things need to get done too but she doesn't look for work, could care less if the bills get paid or not.
I'm getting burnt out in more ways than one. Physically, psychologically and every which way I can get burnt out. I think my marriage is over unless I cave and convert. Everyone who knows me knows I'd be doing it to save my family as my extended family, almost all Catholic, know my situation and are waiting for me to cave. They can't stand my wife anymore cuz they see what she's doing but I think my wife think's my family is so much in darkness, they wouldn't know spiritual warfare if it slapped them in the face. I guess I'm just looking for sympathy and support here guys cuz sometimes I wounder if I'm doing the right thing hedging all the jw stuff. I can see why some marriages break up or the non jw spouse converts. This is sooooo draining and it's been going on for tooooo long.... :(