How many went from christian to something else?

by Satanus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I noticed some posters who used to argue along christian lines, but don't do so, anymore. Granted, it's a tough line to keep to on this forum. I would be interested to hear (read) of people who came here as believers, and then transitioned to unbeliever, and the reasons for that. As well, though i think it's not very likely, if there are any who started here as unbelievers and became believers while participating on the forum.

    I'll start. I was a christian when i came here. I had been one for perhaps a yr or two before. Problems w the flood account and internal bible conflicts jarred me out of bible belief. After that i went through a critical analysis of the bible and subsequently dropped it from what i regarded as holy book inspired by god. Oh, and i got that noah's flood analysis from somebody who used to post here.



  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I came here as a JW apologist at the start.

    I was for a good dozen or something years physically OUT but mentally IN. I left the JWs basically because i no longer wanted to be a 'christian' but still believed it ALL. I was all ''leave me alone to sin my way to armageddon where I would stand on my feet and give jehovah the finger while I watched the firey brimstone heading my way"

    I came here when i was looking for information to confirm or deny that the WT would support my ex in destroying my relationship with my children. I couldn't believe thay would but found they did. So began the journey to apostate.

    What followed has been a journey into total disbelief in the bible, an intense dislike of any religion esp christianity and more of a deist know, god made us and then what off to the great celestial whorehouse for a good time and forgot all about his pathetic little experiment. The more i disconected from old programming the more I was free to actually think on other possibilities and to even develop my own concepts.

    Maybe I am now going to total disbelief in even that, because frankly I don't think it matters squat anyway...I am here, I have reproduced, I do my best to have a good life and thats the way it will be till I pop my clogs i guess.

    I would LIKE there to be an afterlife so i can watch humanity develop over the next whatever but can't do so becuase all it would be is a construct of my own imagination anyway.

    BUT in no way do I find that a problem, I see life full of richness, getting older makes you aware of what really matters. Life is about what i do everyday, not where I am going. NOTHING is missing. There is no hole in my soul that needs filling.

    Thankyou JWN for removing the scales from my eyes

    So thats one from believer to nothing I guess!


  • Phizzy

    JW to Christian to christian to no religion to no belief in God or gods, or demons come to that.

    the upper case C denotes being still a Bible believer to some extent, and at the time thinking of joining a religion, the lower case c was when I knew the Bible was tosh, but still felt an affinity to the teaching of Jesus, the Golden Rule etc.

    I still believe in living by the golden rule, but I know there is no God. And, if Jesus of Nazareth really existed, which I err on the side of believing he did, then he was just a man, an unusual one for sure, but just a man, now long dead.

  • Satanus

    I find reading it interesting reading changes.


    Glad you got free. Many jws leave physically, but not mentally. They need to do the mental follwup, too, to complete the process.


    Gues, i'm about the same. I know there is no biblegod. They say you can't know, but i do, anyway. I think there is something, though. That's me.


  • Phizzy

    Oh at last I have someone to worship !

    Phizzy genuflects in the direction of Satanus, due to Phizzy's age, and the physical effort of bending down, a noise is emitted that sounds as though someone has trodden on a duck.

  • Satanus

    Didn't mean that i'm the something. I meant it just me that thinks there is something. But worship anyway, my gaseous one.


  • l p
    l p

    Jw --> agnostic --> athiest

  • insearchoftruth4

    Born Catholic to Reborn Christian to Scientogy to the Moonies, Theravada Buddism (middle way), Teachings of Lotzu, Meditations to agnostic, only to get conned for 30 plus years as a JW... What the.....!!!? But I am ok.... There is really only one road, and its the road you choose.... Insotr4

  • Satanus

    OMG, what a trip. Were you a practicer and did you attend meetings in those other cults? At least, you're ok. Insearchoftruth, did you find truth, or are you agnostic, again?


  • insearchoftruth4

    Yeah, its been long strange trip, and yeah I practiced and went to meetings, ect. in those cults, I guess this driving thing on the inside (or whatever you call it) keeps me going, its got to be truth or bust. I do believe in One God and that gives me some peace, one day at a time man.... Merci a vous!

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