Rant #77

by 00DAD 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    00Dad -- your post(s) break my heart…. I am so sad and frustrated with you at having to go through being shunned by your own children.

    To think that once upon a time I used to be as blind and believed everything the GB/FDS/WTS ever said. :(

    One can only hope that your children will eventually come to their senses!

    It sounds like you're trying to remain calm and reasonable, and that is a very good thing. If they see you become angry at their "stand", it may only serve to alienate them further and convince them even more in their mind that "you have been over-reached by Satan…" *ugh*, I know. :(

    It seems that JWs as a whole are very frightened of anger. At all the meetings, assemblies, conventions, etc., everyone is quiet, organized, directed, shunted here and there, all speaking in agreement, all smiling, all friendly, all nice. And there's a lot of comfort in that. I used to find it comforting. It is nice having peace and orderliness… a sense of belonging, a feeling that you really do have a "world-wide brotherhood". So there's a LOT to contend with when dealing with any JW when it comes to leaving that nice, secure place.

    But the MENTAL BLINDNESS is so frustrating! It's almost impenetrable.

    May I share an experience…? It shames me to this day. :(

    Once upon a time, when I was a zealous dubbie, full of self-righteousness (only I didn't recognize it as such of course!), zeal, the whole and total indoctrinated JW-ishness way of being -- there was a time when people delivered things like bread and milk to your home. My "bread-man" just happened to be a JW, who had gotten himself DF'd.

    But for the longest time, I did not know this. So I was always polite to him, asking about his day, and he was always friendly and good to our family. He would even give us discounts on older bread and do other many nice things for us. Then one day in field-service, someone mentioned that our bread-man was DF'd.

    I was shocked! It seemed like he suddenly grew horns on his head. Such a "nice" person couldn't really be nice! He must have some hidden agenda somewhere, he must surely be lurking in some way to destroy my faith at any moment. I knew immediately that I must tell him never to come to our home again, even if our contact was only business. (I was a very strict dubbie… it makes me physically ill to remember this now…. :(

    I will never forget what happened. He came to our door, as usual, on his weekly bread-delivery route. He was his usual, friendly smiling self. I was my super-strict, frowning, self-righteous, critical, judgmental JW self. --Yes, this is hard to write. :(

    I waited until I'd gotten our bread delivery and paid him. Then I said, "Well, I guess this will be our last bread delivery."

    He looked surprised and asked, "Oh, are you moving?"

    And I puffed up with full JW righteousness and said my stupid, cruel, heartless spiel. "No, but we're Jehovah's Witnesses, and we can't have any dealings with you henceforth." Something stupid and brainless like that. Chills me now to think I spoke to this kind man that way.

    But I remember HIS REACTION, and in my JW mind, it confirmed all the worst I'd ever heard about DF'd people and apostate people. He looked at first so shocked and hurt, then anger came over his face. He actually stumbled as he turned in his hurry to leave (no doubt to stop himself from saying something horrid to me). He sort of crashed his way into his bread truck and I could tell he was furious and that I'd hurt him.

    At the time, did I feel remorse? Did I run to tell him, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me…" Oh no, of course not. That would be weakness. That would be acting like a decent, loving, compassionate human being. I actually felt a SELF-RIGHTEOUS piety, like I had totally done the right thing in being "faithful" to my God. His anger only confirmed to me that he was indeed, a terrible person deep inside. His friendliness was only a facade.

    So, 00dad, you surely don't deserve to be treated the way your children are treating you. But they are lost to the WT right now…. things that helped me finally wake up was the society's own duplicity, lies, hypocrisy, doctrine changes, and yes, cruelty to DF'd persons. I hope your children come to their proper senses and will eventually see through the mean, unloving, and extreme teachings of the WTS. Hang in there.... keep hoping.... don't let it eat you up too much...

    I sure wish there was an easy way to "turn on the light!" for them.

    Love, Muddy

  • perfect1

    Hi 00D,

    WOW! I am sorry to hear about the memory manipulation- I had never heard of that before you mentioned it, and would love to see what you are talking about if you ever want to share a reference. It is interesting to think about this happening- scary, but interesting.

    There is no soothing this, is there.

  • 00DAD

    mamochan13 - Your words are wise and good counsel. I do try and keep myself strong and healthy. I've got several personal projects I'm working on now that keep me moving forward. They are personally very rewarding and hopefully will be financially rewarding in the future.

    Your comment about how my kids may change when they become parents is ironically both encouraging and discouraging at the same time. It is encouraging that there might be something will help them look at things from a different perspective. But it is discouraging that it could be that long!

    Either way, you are so right: I need to be whole and happy. I'm working on it, but admittedly it is a struggle. Most days I feel pretty good, but some days it's really difficult, especially when something reminds me of them.

    I've started making friends outside of the religion. It's nice to have people that care about me for WHO I am and not WHAT I pretend to believe. The amount of support and encouragement that I find here on JWN is really amazing too. Some of you have become good friends. Also, I've been able to help a few people here that are not quite as far along in their journey out of this nightmare.

    Muddy Waters - Wow, that is an interesting experience. Thanks for sharing.

    We don't often get to read or hear about shunning from the perspective of a JW or ex-JW that is now ashamed of how they treated another human being.

    Still, it emphasizes the need to control my anger and other negative emotions, particularly if and when my children could observe it. I guess that's once reason many of us vent here. It's safe. This is a place where others understand.

    perfect1 - I'll see if I can find some specific references about that in Hassan's book.

  • wasblind

    AGuest, I honestly don't think most elders would even know what God's "fast" is.

    But I'll keep the point in mind. Thanks,_________00DAD

    Did someone say fast ????

    One of the things that attracted me was that the Witnesses didn't fast

    The brothers' in the cong I attended ate chicken , pork and beef like a meatless paradise

    was right around the corner

  • tornapart

    sent you a pm 00DAD

  • sd-7

    Maybe since my kids aren't that old, it's different for me, I don't know. Maybe I'm just a sick enough person that it doesn't bother me too much if people in my family shun me. I just feel that reality is more important. I sometimes think of going back, but to do what? If you're not willing to think your way out of a paper bag, why should I trip over steaming piles of cow dung to get your attention/fake affection? Forget you, and forget them, too!

    No, once you've been burned by them, that's it. No more negotiating, trying to meet them halfway. I'll take my solitude as a welcome victory over their treachery any day of the week. Except...it does get lonely. Just not lonely enough to go back. Popping in a good R-rated drama is always a good remedy to those kinds of thoughts. May I recommend 'Black Swan' on Blu-ray? It has nothing to do with anything, just a couple of hours of Natalie Portman in high definition is sure to improve your life on some level, is all.

    Heck, I'm a doormat (I was just at Target, and it's definitely one word according to them, not two), and I'm not going back. You're not a doormat, man. You can at least fare better than me!


  • 00DAD

    sd-7 - I definitely get you.

    Trust me, I'm not interested in the opinions of anyone in the congregation that will blindly follow non-sensical, un-Biblical rules over basic, common human decency.

    This isn't about that. This is only about my children. I'm the one that taught them this crap and believe I owe it to them to find a way to reach them. I think it's appropriate to rehabilitate my reputation according to terms that make sense to them. Then I (hope I) can begin to rebuild a relationship bit by bit.

    Don't confuse a desire to have my disfellowshipping rescinded with "going back."

    I've made plenty of friends since I have been out. They are people that love and care about me for WHO I am, not WHAT I pretend to believe. Once you've tasted real unconditional love, there's no returning to the fake conditional approval of JWs.


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