Why are Regular Pioneers Increasing?

by Gayle 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • emperorslaundrist

    The young people in my hall who pioneered were much smarter than I was, most of their time was at Starbucks. They would lay out magazines on the table and talk to each other for 5 hours 3x a week. I had to get my time in the traditional way because being married I couldn't go in the evening, and they wouldn't reschedule for me

    But then they were always nervous when the CO came around, they thought they'd get in trouble for how unproductive their ministry was.

    Also you can get enormous hours by joining a foreign language group. The assigned area is huge (at least where I live) and you can count all the travel time between calls. With a car group it's like a 'time machine' on steroids. Also the 6 month class lets you count 20 or so bogus hours a month because you need the time to study.

    Oh, and then the RBC, or just volunteering at the assembly hall will net some serious hours if your a pioneer.

    Yup, I pioneered the stupid way. Even the older ones figured the system out before I did, they'd sit in on each others studies and hardly ever door knock.

    When the CO came i usually got assigned 2 days with them, yay me

  • Honeybucket

    They guilt trip young kids and teenager to pioneer, that brings their stats up too


    It may have something to do with the fact that so many of their followers are getting older and are retired or working less. My grandparents stopped working this year (in their 80s) and instantly started pioneering.

  • Lied2NoMore

    i can say that i personally used to count time rather liberally. IF i got out of bed that was an automatic hour. meeting for FS was counted, no deduction for breaks, if i was in the company of someone unbaptised, i counted that time with them, (heard of elders who did this alot in the cong. got the idea from that). After awhile i just put random numbers on time slip just to stay on as an MS.

    with all the hype, i know ASS day, and DC parts are being given first to reg. pioneers, along with the drama parts and oversight so prestige hungry ones who crave the spotlight are signing up so they get dibs on these parts.

    They are even announcing pioneer status when introducing bros now (aSS day and DC parts) makes me gag

  • watson

    More and more Witnoids are unemployed because they are putting the Kingdom interests first. Pioneering is a great way to get empathetic support from the JW network.

  • WTWizard

    The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger pushes pious-sneering. There are too many threats that, if they don't pious-sneer, they are going to have to answer to jehovah as to why they didn't. Then, among the witlesses (remember, they lack skills because the religion suppresses talent), the job market is even worse than for regular people. Of course, they are brainwashed into thinking that, if they pious-sneer, jehovah will take care of them (hardly).

    Of course, they are going to pay a high price. Those who are pious-sneering are not preparing for the crisis. The idiots that quit their jobs so they could pious-sneer will pay the highest price. They could have been securing for themselves various items. How many ended up wishing they had better lights, batteries, and chargers as a result of Sandy? It is going to be even worse if the United Tyranny of Stupidity keeps sending isra-hell assistance (remember 1973) until the Arabs cut off the oil. Rolling blackouts, gas rationing, and setting thermostats down to 13 o in winter and 28 in summer will result. (Hopefully, this time they will succeed in getting us to the metric system so we can have a decent measuring system that isn't so disjointed). The witlesses are going to be up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe, when that happens. Knowing nothing but field circus (wasting gas), they lack emergency supplies. Not a rechargeable battery, charger, or lantern or flashlight among them--and blackouts aplenty. Even in field circus, stairwells could go pitch dark without warning.

    In the meantime, hyperinflation hits. This can be delayed, but the longer they manage to hold it off, the worse it will be when it does hit. Your dollars will be toilet paper--even now I call them toilet papers. The witlesses should have been learning barter skills and buying gold and silver to prepare for the day when the dollar is worthless. But no, they wasted their time pious-sneering. "Jehovah will take care of you." Then, once the dollar becomes toilet paper and they don't have any skills or precious metals, they can't buy anything. And I am not going to lend them anything--no flashlights, no batteries, no copper (not even copper or nickel), no nothing.

    Even if the whole system is done away with and those scumbags responsible for the crisis are slaughtered for attempting to enslave the world, the witlesses will never get back on their feet. At that point, those with skills to barter with are going to be the leaders in getting things back up and running. You have silver, you have gold, you know how to grow your own food, you know how to generate electricity without fossil fuels, you get to make the rules. It will be those with the ability to trade, produce, and create that will lead us into the new financial system, not those joke-hova's witlesses that think their joke-hova is going to save them.

  • emperorslaundrist

    a few years ago i bought 2 books on emergency medical procedures for 3rd world countries and started putting together a basic emergency supply kit. I wasn't obsessed, I just put a few things by every month.

    when other people found out they told me i wasn't putting enough faith in Jehovah. It confused me because the wts had just put out a recommendation that we follow FEMA emergency guidelines, and we are only promised survival as a group not individually. I guess my lack of faith was in that I wanted to live instead of being resurrected.

    reading apostate literature has been the first time my religion hasn't confused the hell out of me.

    Pioneering DOES prepare JWs for the Apocalypse though WTWizard- we've got the zombie shuffle and brain eating down to a science :P

  • likeabird

    It's simple. While they are pushing people to start, they're also making it really hard to come off.

  • Scott77

    Also you can get enormous hours by joining a foreign language group. The assigned area is huge (at least where I live) and you can count all the travel time between calls. With a car group it's like a 'time machine' on steroids. Also the 6 month class lets you count 20 or so bogus hours a month because you need the time to study.

    The pioneer group car as a 'Time machine on steroid' is hilarious


  • wasblind

    when other people found out they told me i wasn't putting enough faith in Jehovah._________emperorslaundrist

    That's what they said about my parttime job, If my electricity hada got cut off

    I guess I was suppose to wait on Jehovah for some New Light

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