Sorry for how long this is but I just had to share...

by dazed but not confused 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I sure hope so. If only we lived closer.

  • cantleave

    Thanks for posting.

    I have come to the conclusion that until someone is ready to wake up they won't. Your friend doesn't sound as if he ready yet. Give it time.......

  • cantleave

    BTW congratulations on your 2 years of sobriety :-)

  • goatshapeddemon

    I loved that you posted this exchange, @dazed. Thank you.

    I agree with DoC, unfortunately. It takes a personal wrong (in most cases) for someone to wake up. There are a few I know of who realized on their own, my husband being one, but most of us require a rude awakening. Best wishes to you.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Thank you cantleave.

    Im not sure he will realize it on his own goatshapeddemon, so i will try to help him along as best i can

  • aquagirl

    Thanks for sharing this info.His letter to you is ful of the same tired old dogma that the 'dubs have been using for decades.You know what?Some folks will just never get it.And they have no one to blame but themselves..Im sorry that you lost a friend,but there are a lot of fine folks{yes,WORLDLY ONES!!!} out there that would love to make a new friend..Maybe its time to cut bait...Its hard.I know,but,dont let it drag you down,You have chosen to enjoy your life.Me too.Nothing wrong with that.If I were a god? I would want people to enjoy their lives,and not impose some false 'yoke' upon themselves..Thanks for sharing! I hope you find some peace!

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Thanks aquagirl. Im not gonna cut bait just yet. I wont let it drag me down. He' s a life long friend.

  • Finkelstein

    Some of the partial reasons people stick to religions like the JWS is that they have preconceived within themselves that the world outside

    of the organization, is all corrupt and evil and that their own safety and betterment is being inside of a their organization, which has been

    insinuated by them of course.

    Young adults have little more of a difficult time trying to create and build a sound wholesome character, since rebelliousness

    and experimentation is greatly portrayed in that age group. You have to earnestly seek to improve yourself on your own ground

    and personal development, keeping respect toward yourself while creating respect for others you associate with.

    Putting a pretentious white sheet of righteousness doesn't really create a good wholesome character in the reality of human interpersonal


    Some of that reason comes from the fact that religions like Christianity infuses into people minds that their personal sins are fully

    preconceived to be redeemed and that their actions are causative from Satan and his evil spirits, placing their faults and

    mis-behaviors on to that excuse. A probable reason why I came across many JWS who were irresponsibly rotten apathetic people outside

    of the Kingdom Hall. Sure its a bit more difficult to create a good character around yourself with all assuming responsibility and self

    respect but people do it all the time and they do it without the psychological crutch that religion offers.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    they have preconceived within themselves that the world outside

    of the organization, is all corrupt and evil and that their own safety and betterment is being inside of a their organization

    Yep and based on what he told me about his expiriance before becoming a JW, he seems to be stuck in a pattern that he feels is so much better than when he was "in the world". He had some shitty friends and experiences with drugs and seems to think everyone is like this - always bad all the time. The WT perpetuates these feelings as we all know.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    NO ONE can and has EVER proven the things in the Bible to be not true. On the contrary, MOST (so far) have been proven and confirmed through archeological findings, other writings, caninicity, etc.

    I rememeber thinking and hearing this all the time when I was IN. I never researched outside of what the Gov Body said. Does any JW?

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