Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,

by frankiespeakin 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    Sigh. This seems like a case of people who grew up with Web 2.0 expecting every site to be malleable to their touch. Sorry, kids, once upon a time you couldn't comment on or edit *any* web sites! People used web sites to broadcast information, not to hold conversations and network. Believe it or not, this is still how some sites work, even ones that have nothing to do with religion. I know everything the Society does is fodder for criticism, but expecting them to allow comments is ridiculous from any perspective.

    The forms Jeffro mentioned are not for commenting, they're for feedback. Of course every web site has some way to contact its owner ('s is at, but that doesn't count as commenting.

  • tiki

    i've never even looked at the site - it doesn't interest me....but don't they have a "contact us" where people could submit questions and comments? they wouldn't have to be out there for everyone to see, but could get back to headquarters and some individuals there would be assigned to read and respond to them.........

    but.....that would be in the spirit of open-mindedness, freedom of thought, expression, etc..........hahah oh well!

  • jgnat

    Here's how a religious Web 2.0 might work: twitter feed available

    What if we had a #WTS or #JW hashtag? What would we fill it with?

  • cobaltcupcake

    With the anonymity the Web provides even articles about cute puppies can elicit nasty comments. How many times have you wanted to comment on a video you enjoyed only to find a few people having a name-calling-fest in the comments section?

    If the WT site allowed comments it would get spammed by both fawning JWs and apostates. It could be fun, though. whistle

  • dogon

    If you are the type who gives feed back you are not what they are looking for. They want sheeple who only want to read more crap they put out and ask for more. LOL

  • jgnat

    ....which pretty well eliminates converts from the Web 2.0 generation.

    I think every grandparent should get an iPad as a Christmas present from their doting children.

  • frankiespeakin

    Well we all know how impractical it is for the Governing Body to ask for feed back when they operate under a delusion, because delusional people don't like it when someone has information that will unravel thier delusion.

    But the very least they could offer on thier site is a do not call form since they insist on calling on you personally. I'm sure the Jehovah of thier collective imagination will understand this as a common curtesy and not hold them blood guilty for honoring worldly people in following up thier request not to call on them.

  • frankiespeakin

    I got an idea for the Governing Body leave room for comments only to those not claiming to be disfellowshipped.

    Have a little button to offer comments, when you push it, it ask the question: "Are you disfellowshipped or have you been put on restrictions that are still in effect?" Yes or No if you press Yes it redirects you to page that says: "sorry but you are not allowed to comment at this time due to strict disfellowshipping and public or private reproof polices, you will be welcome to comment once you are no longer disfellowshipped or your restrictions have been lifted. We would like to take this time to encourage you to repent and return to Jehovah without delay, for the "end is near".

    If you press No a comment page opens where you type in your comments. Limit it to 100 words or less.

  • jgnat

    LOL. Pick your button.

    Exit Button


  • LisaRose

    Wouldn't it be great if they did let you comment?

    I came here looking for the Sparlock toy I've heard so much about, but couldn't find where you order them. - Sparlickrocks

    Yeah, thanks for waking me up, knocking on my door on my only day off - Sleepless in Seattle

    I didn't go to college on your recomendation, it being so close to Armageddon, but I am concerned because people think it's odd for a 50 year old man to live with his mother, please advice. - 50yearoldvirgin

    Thanks for giving us the spiritual food at the proper time, that convention was so upbuilding, best one ever - prissy kissy elderette

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