Huh, strange change.

by Slidin Fast 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I attended the CA today. The usual gruesome fodder was dispensed until the baptism

    My experience of the event for many years has been a carefully controlled sort of sacred ceremony during which relatives and friends discreetly filmed their love ones being lost to this delusion. The only changes have been can we clap each candidate or do we wait until the end. Recently new light said yes we can clap each candidate in stead of having an accumulated clap at the end

    Today though, an announcement “The writing committee have announced that we now no longer required to sit during the baptism” We were dismissed to go for lunch, chat amongst ourselves or do as we liked.

    The baptism was going on at the front of the hall, children were running about, some were eating lunch; some were in an uncontrolled scrum in front of the pool.

    Very strange, it felt like break dancing during the memorial.

    This was new to us, are we late adopters?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I thought the baptism was during lunch. Is my memory playing tricks?

  • 00DAD

    That's no change. Where did they tell people to sit during the baptism? No DC or CA I've ever been at.

    BTW, I've and supervised the baptisms at countless CA and given the baptism talk as well.

  • Lozhasleft

    At our Circuit Assemblies where the pool was down the front of the assembly hall, we all had to sit quietly and respectfully through all the baptisms. Only when the last one was done and the clapping over could we get on with lunch.

    Loz x

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    00DAD Our CA for years has held everyone in their seats until the end of the baptism, only then were the crowd released for lunch. We are not allowed to eat in our seats we have to go to a dining room. I too have been a baptiser but never gave the talk. Maybe we were out of step with everyone else.

    The DA was different because the baptism was always off site.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    weird. For me it's always been the break for lunch and people went out to the baptism pool. At the DC the pools were to the side and it went on during lunch. We just ate and stared

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    It was weird at our hall, it was kinda like kids being let out of school early. The really strange thing was that it was put down to a decision by the writing commitee.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ah yes, decision by commitee

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    The announcement was made with the gravitas of the WRITING COMMITEE of the GB, a decision of the FDS probably after having covened an extraordinary emergency meeting to discuss this delicate matter.

    They referred to Acts 15, took comments from the relevant elders and sent messengers all over the known world to announce the decision. "The Holy spirit aand we ourselves put no futher burden on you. You can watch the dunkin' and eat you do-nuts at the same time".

  • 00DAD

    Lozhasleft: we all had to sit quietly and respectfully through all the baptisms. Only when the last one was done and the clapping over could we get on with lunch.

    Slidin Fast: Our CA for years has held everyone in their seats until the end of the baptism, only then were the crowd released for lunch. We are not allowed to eat in our seats

    Where are you guys? My friend, wha happened?, and I are both from the great state of Southern California.

    Of course, we all think that however things are done where ever WE are is how they are/should be done everywhere. Not that these are Big Deals, but it does prove that JWs are NOT as unified as they'd like us to believe.

    From what I understand, elders in northern Europe often have beards ... the bastards! I always wanted to have one. (I've had one since leaving, several in fact! But it would have been nice to have had a beard before my hair all turned grey.)


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