Is homosexuality wrong?

by forgetmenot 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kophagangelos

    Yes, Homossexuality is a wrong way because God hate the homossexuality and his word said clearly about homossexuality! It is perverse to love a same sex!

  • Abaddon

    I don't think that there is much I can add to the posts from bitter mango and dedalus.

    It is very cute how certain people scream outrage when others think that their opinion is dumb.

    So, we can say what we like OTHER than your opinion is dumb? Thank you for re-defining freedom of speech for us. I will hasten to assure the next racist I don't think his opinion is dumb, and will retract my contention that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe dumb stuff, as I didn't realise that saying an arguement was dumb wasn't allowed.

    It's funny how those who don't see homosexuality as wrong normally attack the opinions of those who see it as wrong, whereas those who view it as wrong often attack homosexuals or their lifestyles, or those that defend them.

    Those who don't see homosexuality as an issue base their arguements on the fact it's provably a natural behaviour and probably a genetic or otherwise inbuilt oriontation for many, or simply on the fact it is a consensual activity between two adults, and does not harm third parties. They use similar arguements to support homosexuality (doesn't harm anyone, it's my business anyway, and I have a legal right to it) that the pro-firearms lobby use to support their beliefs.

    Those that attack homosexualty do so with stories that represent adverse concequences in specific instances (which anyone can do for anything, just read the Watchtower when it talks about recreational sports), and which hint at non-consensual sex being a major risk (like only gays do THAT).

    They use Biblical dictats, without ever proving that the Bible is what they claim it to be, but they expect people to kneel anyway, happy to grind the faces of those that don't believe against the rocky-face of their faith, yet all-to-eager to cry 'foul' if anyone dares do that to them.

    They use bland statements that the 'majority' are against homosexuality, ignorantly confuse Pedophilia and Homosexuality, and show other rank examples of poor thinking ability, like arguements that because many homosexuals don't follow heterosexual relationship patterns, they are wrong or bad, whilst heterosexuals living the same way are conveniently ignored.

    You find black and white thinking where gay is typified as unhealthy and hetero is not, when the fact is unsafe sex is unhealthy and safer sex is likely to keep you healthy, regardless of sexual oriontation.

    It makes me so tired.

    It is a dumb arguement. No apologies. If you have that opinion, it doesn't mean you are a bad person. It just means you have a stupid opinion. And you can think the same of me, I really don't mind.

  • joelbear

    A lot of men like having sex with other men. Some of these men are married with 2.5 kids in the suburbs. Some of these men are the ones at the bathhouses and in the bathrooms not exchanging names.

    They smile at you in church and mow their lawns every Saturday.

    What you see ain't always what you get.

    After all these years I still find it so amusing that people try to draw a big dark line between the homosexual world and the heterosexual world. We're normal and you're not! There is no dividing line, at least when it comes to men and sex. I know I know, there's no married men on this board who would ever think of having sex with a man and two or three of them have already proclaimed it on this thread.

    I suppose it will always be that way.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of what you believe. I agree that living in the real world takes much more effort and most people would rather not exert that effort.


  • logical

    This time last year my views were so different. But since then I have come to realise I was ignorant, fearful, and made my mind up based on other peoples ignorance.

    Once you open your empty closed minds then you might see what total crap you came out with terafera.

    Your points are based on ignorance and hatred towards those you dont even know. Granted, some gay people are perverts, but guess what? So are some straight people. Some gay people cant hold down a single sexual partner, but do you have any idea what the majority of the western youth do at the weekends in clubs? Straight and gay, its all the same.

    Take a look around you and open up your mind.

    Koph, yes God doesnt like perverse things, but really, what does sin of the flesh matter? Humans can never be perfect in the flesh, which is why the ransom of Christ is necessary. Like I said in a previous reply, JAH looks at our hearts. Im sure he would rather us love and forgive each other than condemn each other.

  • gumby

    Quote: "If you fall in love with a person of a different race, religion, country or same sex you don't chose to fall in love with that person, you just do. don't choose to? Really? Let's say this happens...
    I am married and love my wife. Where I work a real cutie gets hired in my department and she is beautiful and sweet.

    I start to have feelings for her as time goes on. What should I do? Go with those feelings and let it happen? It feels so natural and right to fall for her and I feel so good when I am around her.

    Well... I could do two things
    1. Fall for this girl and destroy my marrage to the woman who loves me.
    2.Repress my thoughts about someone I have no buisness getting involved with, and telling myself of all the reasons this would be wrong.

    Maybe I should do as one poster said Rosie O'donnel did. She tried women and men and said women felt more right.

    So what should I do? Do what "I" "feel" is right?

    Do people here really think we should do what "feels right" about this subject?
    How many times are our feelings wrong and out of line because of imperfection?

    Not a whole lot said here about self control in areas when we are out of line.
    How many married men and women are on this board have not "wanted" someone else? What do you do with these feeling's......give in or correct yourself?

    Should a homosexual give in to it cause it feels right or they want it that way? We all cannot give in to desires because it feels natural , or right to us. Some things are NOT right.

    So many people today believe to listen to an authority on our lives is a loss of freedom. They feel we should do as we please with no judge or authority over us.So for them to be and practice homosexuality is justified.

  • Abaddon

    Gumby, What has marital fidelity got to do with homosexuality? Please tell me how your little homily has any relevance to sexual orientation? You are talking about people breaking a very serious promise. We are talking about people’s sexual orientation. No promise. Bad example.

    Tell you what, if it suits you, you can take one example (Rosie O’Donnel), and suggest that this would suit every one or exemplify everyone.

    You can ignore the life stories of people who have never been attracted to people of the opposite sex, as obviously they don’t suit your argument.

    You can ignore scientific evidence regarding oriontation.

    You can ignore freedom of choice – arguably what our society is built on – as you disagree with a particular choice, and need to judge people who disagree with your opinion, even though they do no harm to third parties.

    We all know that choosing one’s sexual orientation is exactly like choosing what flavour ice-cream you want, easy, quick and changeable, and everyone has to eat the same flavour ice-cream as you, or they’re a bad person.

    As a special offer, just for you, you can base your entire argument on a statement “Some things are NOT right”; it must be TRUE it has CAPS in it. After all,you should not have to go to the bother of entering the debate, as obviously your opinion is the be all and end all of everything that has to be said about the subject in the past, now and in the future.

    In addition, you can distort facts, stating “They feel we should do as we please with no judge or authority over us”, thus making it sound like homosexuals are a lawless threat to society, when in fact all they do is have sex with people of the same sex.

    Oh, but, sorry for my ignorance, you’ve already proved you’re right, haven’t you?

    But, despite the fact you don’t really have anything other than an OPINION, and despite the fact your opinion in this case is in my opinion, dumb, I am sure you are a lovely person. I’ve read other posts by you, and know, that although I find your ‘orientation’ in this argument quite objectionable, I shouldn’t use it as my whole criteria for determining your worth as a person, as other posts reveal a side of you I find far more attractive.

    You'll just have to put up with the terrible unfairness of having me think your opinion is wrong, which is fair, as some people have to put up with your opinion of them based on them doing things that are just 'NOT right'.

    Isn't democracy wonderful?

  • ashitaka

    I think this thread would be settled better with a pair of boxing gloves and a purse to the winner.


  • Perry

    "More bigoted Nazi bullshit. How's it feel to use the same propaganda tactics employed by Hitler? But hey, even Hitler was entitled to his opinions, right?"

    "Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit, and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascists, or NAZI or anti-semitic...The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind." - Institute of Marxism

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • gravedancer

    This question is interesting:

    "Is homosexuality wrong?"

    I need to understand the question better so please answer my questions about your question.

    Who defines right and wrong?

    God? Well without getting into a debate as to whether God exists, lets ask "Which version of God - whose interperation of God?"

    .....we could go on for hours here and all you have made are a huge number of UPFRONT ASSumptions PRIOR to even asking the question.

  • Perry

    gumby, good points.

    It may seem that many people who post on this board are of the opinion that any moral judgements are ridiculous. However, our politically correct posters do share with the rest of non-psychopathic mankind an innate sense of right and wrong.

    Here's the real issue:
    Like all totalitarians, marxists, humanists, and the politically correct want to squash all competition and are really after control, control, control.

    What the far left on this board does is immediately pounce on anyone who even hints at "right or wrong" because it tends to glide into Good and Evil. This implies an outside standard and moral rules that cannot be changed by human authority. This is very unsettling to the self worshiper.

    They want to measure, quantify and science-ize everything. The secularists don't hate moral judgements because they think it to be foolish. Disney is foolish and it isn't attacked.

    To the psuedo-marxist the crime is not morality, because even they have a form of that; the crime of morality isn't crime, it is the ALLEGIANCE it inspires. Since it is based on an exterior Source,
    the marxists and humanists are jealous of the competition....that's all.

    It is difficult to have near total control over a population if they believe in moral absolutes. The leadership just might find themselves judged by such a population. Take away right and wrong, and all you need is a veneer of "science" or "expert" opinion and Whalla, you have Soviet America!

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

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