History of disfellowshippings (Biblically)

by MavMan 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • MavMan

    Thi: Barnabas never questioned Paul's authority. He disagreed on the appointment of Mark, that's all. Paul does defend his authority, but ask yourself, Was John in his second letter not speaking of apostates?

    Ajax: I will not share in this forum the reason for my judicial committee meeting. I will tell you that it was biblical. I was disfellowshipped of not being repentant. I agree, I was not. Since then, I have repented and am working to have Jehovah's approval.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Who will decide and tell you when you have Jehovah's approval?

  • MavMan


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    When will he tell you?

  • MavMan

    He has told me already. How? I feel it in my heart. I am able to pray to him with a clean conscience, something I was not able to do before.

    I am still disfellowshipped, I was turned down reinstatement on March 10th. But it was my fault for I did not communicate well with the elders. I am drafting a letter for reinstatement once again and will turn it in this coming week.

  • AjaxMan
    I will not share in this forum the reason for my judicial committee meeting. I will tell you that it was biblical.

    You bring the subject on DF'ing being biblical and make some examples.
    You are Df'ed and don't want to say what is it for, yet you say it's a biblical DF'ing. Hey, we don't read mind therefore, we don't know if it's biblical.

    So your DF'ing is biblical??? Really??? How so??? What makes it a biblical DF'ing? What makes the JC decide if it is biblical??? How does the JC know whether the DF'ed person is repentant??? Do they read mind??? I am curious. Last I check, men cannot read minds.

    Since you started this post in justifying DF'ing as being biblical, let us know why you were DF'ed. I am interested in knowing what sins causes a biblical Disfellowship. Did you break their rule of not being on this site and communicate with non-JWs and ex-JWs? and in the process, you got caught doing that?

  • detective

    when you have time could you please provide the clarifications I asked for earlier in this thread. I'm still not sure where you are coming from on this.

  • Reborn2002

    So let me get this straight Ernesto aka YoYo aka MavMan.

    You've repented and sought Jehovah's approval yet you willingly and knowingly come to the Internet and associate with DA and DF ones?

    Some repentance if your voluntarily breaking Watchtower law.


  • MavMan


    could you please provide the clarifications I asked for earlier in this thread
    Sure, sorry I skipped you. I will answer now,

    Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for being unrepentent sinners. Would they have put blame on someone else if they were repentant? So too, unrepentant sinners are expelled from the Christian congregation. Attending a meeting does not make the person part of the congregation.

    Regarding Cain. Jehovah did the disfellowshipping. Later he named some men as judges, eventually, the elder arrangment was instituted in the 1st century.

  • MavMan


    we don't read mind therefore, we don't know if it's biblical.
    You don't have to read my mind, I'm telling you that it was biblical.

    What makes it a biblical DF'ing?
    The fact that Jehovah mentioned the particular sin I committed in the Bible.

    How does the JC know whether the DF'ed person is repentant???
    This is a tough thing to do, because they cannot read the heart. But some signs show evidence of this, specially our attitude. My attitude for example was very uncaring. At the time, I did not care about myself, my family nor the congregation, thus showing that I was not repentant. Also I did not abandon my sinning path right away. So I was disfellowshipped.


    I will stop coming here the day I am reinstated.

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