by compound complex 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Very moody writngs there Dear CoCo.

    Reminds me of someone I felt 'love ' for.

    He was from Italy. At that time, I was giving the "truth ' another chance, he was a JW.

    He would write many long poems , some what dark, intoxicating, but strange and sensual in his non native tounge. I feel in love with his words . But he was not his words.

    He called himself The Dark Monk. That reminded me of Umberto Ecco's books. Espically the Name of The Rose. Turrns out he had him as a Professor at University.

    I enjoy your words COCO. They take me so far back in the dark passages of my memorie.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    What a bittersweet story, Eva. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us as well as the pertinent reference to Umberto Eco. I'm going to rekindle my earlier research on him.

    Your replies are always a joy to read.

    All the best!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    It is useless, as in all endeavors to which
    hand and heart have been so intently set,
    that I should seek further communication

    With you, you so adept at creating an aura
    of nonchalance when only the raging fire of
    a burning passion for me would suffice.

    You display less than trifling concern over things
    that matter and feign maddening indifference.
    I have been sleepless with grief by your tepidity,

    Your failure to commit to what could be a life spent
    in pursuit of an aim higher than that enjoined on
    ordinary people, whose frozen gaze sets upon

    A fleeting world that passes them by. If only you had
    some heart, some fire; winning you over is impossible.
    I give up . . . my voice drifts aimlessly into the void.

  • Hortensia

    Eva Luna, what an interesting story! I have read the Name of the Rose several times. Too bad Umberto Ecco's later books are so pretentious. The Name of the Rose is nearly perfect.

    I'm interested in your technique, CoCo. You write a paragraph or two and from that we can see the whole story. I tried doing that, but I don't know whether I succeeded. I'm much better at writing "The pectoralis major muscle originates on the medial half of the clavicle, the sternum, the cartilage of ribs one through six and the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle."

    Here's my try at writing a la CoCo:

    I wonder whether a rich and satisfying fantasy life can be dangerous? I can't pay attention, any more, to my humdrum daily round. The siren call of phantasms pulls me away to another world. My true love is there. My child is there, my most creative works. That world has brighter colors, more stirring adventures, more beautiful music. I can fly in that world, drift from glory to glory surrounded by the sounds of heavenly arias. It's harder and harder to go back to the world most people think of as real. So dull, so hard, so painful, who would want to go back to that if they could enter paradise instead? I wish there was a magic potion that would allow me to dream forever. There isn't -- at least I haven't found one. I'm left to experiment with drugs, legal and otherwise.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    What you have written, Hortensia, is truly beautiful and so clearly to the point.

    Your concise but fully-fleshed-out prose tells the entire story, and, I believe, a useful backstory. Whether I take my old stuff (au Faulkner) and revamp it (au Hemingway) or not, I remain, at heart, one who cherishes the sound of the words used and the effect of cadence as they follow and fall upon one another.



  • tornapart

    Coco, I love reading your writings.. they say a picture paints a thousand words but your words create amazing pictures!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, tornapart!

    It's always wonderful hearing from you. I hope you're doing well. I am grateful for your kind words.

    Guess I'll stick around!



  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    She carried her groceries in and put them on the counter and looked out the window another beautiful bright and sunny day and all was well. After putting everthing away she sat down and put on some sad and plaintive music a song that always made her cry but it felt good in a strange sort of way.She got up and started doing her laundry singing that song again in her mind drifting to that place. Her life wasn't particularly sad but there's something enticing about that feeling like taking a staycation to a mysterious land.

  • Hortensia

    Nice, Nancy. I like that image, folding laundry while dreaming of a different melancholy land.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Nancy, for something nice to think about -- I just folded my laundry.


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