ill check that out in morning thanks jam
by jam 42 Replies latest jw friends
i have read some thingsin the past. alot of it is the same problems as believers , there are different beliefs among believers and different theorys about evolution,from non believers.
Then you need to read again. Or be specific, and we will discuss. But the basic theory is not disputed, and most portions of the theory is not disputed. Evolutions happens. Now, if you want to get to the fine details and so forth, we are still learning, and this is part of the process. All those minds will search different hypotheses and the last one standing will get everyone's attention to continue to fine tune and push forward.
Because of your comment, I am convinced you did not seriously look into this. You've given yourself away.
What do you think Evolution is? We can start there.
"Many have made the conscious choice not to explore their faith"
I didn't realize I was born equipped with faith. Did it go somewhere? Is it beside by Bathook on my Batbelt?
Ok, Tammy, I am very serious with my questions for you.
*puts serious cap on*
You are one of the very few here with knowledge of the Bible.
I think there are many, but okay :)
Here we go, (1) do you really believe that Adam was the first man?
Yes. Not created entirely the same as we are now... he was not a spirit trapped in a physical body, as we are. Not until after the 'fall'.
(2) do you believe Angels came down and did the nasty with earthly
Literally? I don't know.
(3) world wide flood 4-5 thousand years ago.
Perhaps. Something happened. Not as literal as some read it. I'm not convinced it is supposed to be taken literally like that. I think some stories are physical representations of something spiritual, making the event real, but not as literal as it was told as being.
(and the timing, I think, is off)
(4)an ass speaking
Asses speak to me all the time, so why not?
(5)Jonah and the large fish
Same reasoning as the flood account.
(6) the stroll too the promise land, the parting
of the sea.,
Same again. I do believe something like the parting of the sea could be possible, with faith.
For Jesus to be true, then you must believe all these stories to be true.
I must do no such thing.
You do not know which stories are meant to be literal, which are literary devices, which might be something physically symbolizing something spiritual. You don't know what Christ thought of them either, or if he used them because they were literal, or because they were stories the people understood and could relate to.
It is not 'literal or nothing', Jam. That is a fundamentalist take, but it is far from being the only understanding out there.
For instance, the Garden of Eden is the spiritual realm. Every physical thing in that story represents something, and we can see that in a sense just from the story: tree of life = life. Tree of knowledge of good and bad = knowledge of good and bad. Eating the fruit of those trees = taking into oneself the thing that tree represents.
This is the only one that has been shown to me. The others I am not sure about, and so I must say that i don't know until such a time as I am given/shown that understanding/truth.
Peace to you,
new chapter: my basic view of evoltion is traits changing in animals over a period of time. which does happen if rabbits or whatever are in a cold enviorment they have to get longer hair.and the ones with short hair will die ,survial of the fit. but that does not show in anyway animal becoming differnet animal a dog is a dog and a cat is a cat.
unstopableravens - The evidence of evolution is overwhelming. The only people who deny the common ancestry of all living things are either ignorant of the facts or religiously motivated or both.
The transition of life from to fish to amphibian is particularly well documented in the fossil record as is the later evolution of whales and dolphins from land animals.
The genetic and fossil evidence for the evolution of humans is beyond all reasonable doubt.
Which books on evolution have you studied so far?
(Adam) .... he was not a spirit trapped in a physical body, as we are - Tammy
The dead hand of Plato still influences religious people.
hey jam sorry im having alot of conversations some here and on youtube(jdubs) lol. ok i went back and looked at the account of gen 6 .the term of sons of god is used in other verses which seen pretty clear to be angels. at geneses chapters 4 and 5 it show the godly line of seth and the unglody line of cain. so i know when i looked into this in the past i always took this to be the second. either way i cant be dogmadic .so it does not change your over all point i believe all the stories in the ot etc...
Jeezus Murphy...
WTF is it with hard-core believers and their seeming inability to present their arguments using even the most basic rules of written language???
Dude, word to the wise...
Learn to spell, learn to punctuate, and for the love of God, make an effort to sound like you know what you're talking about.
vidiot - sorry,i haven't evolved to the that yet im still a cromagum . no dude im using a crappy phone. its hard to type like this sorry if it seems im a 5th grader.