
by jam 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    Scholars lump these groups togather because they all

    purport to not be interested in religion or spirituality.

    But one observed notes; "Sociolgist point out that there

    are no truly "secular" societies..."nonreligious" people....are

    those who derive their worldview and value system from

    alternative, secular, cultural or otherwise nonrevealed

    systems rather than traditional religious systems."

    Many have made the conscious choice not to explore their

    faith (excuse me), or at least not in publicly. All told this group

    numbers about 1.1 billion, or 16% of the world,s population.

    What you say??? From the booklet "The God questions" Dr. Hal


  • NewChapter

    I think Hal Seed writes religious literature. This looks like yet another attempt for a person of faith to pretend to understand the mind of a non-believer. It's usually amusing, usually wrong, and there will be no telling them that. I recently viewed a conversation of believesr discussing why atheists are atheists or whatever, and the old nonsense was trotted out with authority. I've given up on it, because from their comments even those that claim to understand really will not be able to.

    So I give it a big LOL.

    I mean look at the nonsense. How can one make a conscious choice not to explore their faith when they have none? Ridiculous. He looks so silly and ignorant to me.

  • sizemik

    Many have made the conscious choice not to explore their faith.

    I wonder how many of "faith" have made the same choice?

  • NewChapter

    I wonder how many of "faith" have made the same choice?

    I think that is considered acceptable and a virtue. We atheists, yeah, we never explored faith---or we are just angry at God---or we just fear death---or we just met the wrong god---or we are just too lazy to check it out---or we are just hard-hearted---or we just don't know---or we haven't been called---or we don't have ears to hear.

    But the real reason we are atheists? That can't be accepted. LOL

  • jam

    So funny, we became atheist and agnostics because

    we read that book (Bible) and thought, what the hell.

  • NewChapter

    And we remain atheists because the reasoning of those that are not is more and more incomprehensible.

  • tec

    Hey, I won't try and tell you why you're an atheist, if you stop trying to tell me why I'm not an atheist ;)

    (this was a generalization... I don't care why you're an atheist - unless you want to tell me; that is your business and not mine)



  • unstopableravens

    new chapter- what is ur thoughts on vodoo , the prarnormal demon control,etc ?

  • jam

    Ok, Tammy, I am very serious with my questions for you.

    You are one of the very few here with knowledge of the Bible.

    Here we go, (1) do you really believe that Adam was the first man?

    (2) do you believe Angels came down and did the nasty with earthly

    women (3) world wide flood 4-5 thousand years ago. (4)an ass speaking

    (5)Jonah and the large fish (6) the stroll too the promise land, the parting

    of the sea., just a few of the weird stories in the Bible.

    For Jesus to be true, then you must believe all these stories to be true.

    If someone pick up the Bible for the first time and read these stories

    they would concluded, what a nice book of fairy tales.

    You can not have Adam without Jesus and everything in between.

  • unstopableravens

    can i answer for tammy? 1)yes 2)no 3)yes4)yes5)yes6)yes and jesus is true . i think the second one i said no to is wt view its says son of god prob not angels.

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