Hearing God vs. Math.... Math wins

by EntirelyPossible 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible


    Pat Robertson Admits He Blew The Election Prediction He Got From God

    In January, televangelist Pat Robertson told 700 Club viewers that in his annual New Year’s “conversation” with God, the Almighty had revealed to him who the next president would be . Up through Election Day, Robertson harshly criticized President Obama and the Democratic Party while praising Mitt Romney . Then, Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network predicted a GOP sweep, leaving Robertson utterly confounded by Obama’s victory .

    Today, responding to a question from a viewer who wondered why her business is struggling since she thought God told her it would be successful, Robertson admitted that he sometimes misses God’s message. “So many of us miss God, I won’t get into great detail about elections but I sure did miss it, I thought I heard from God, I thought I had heard clearly from God, what happened?”

    My comments.... Nate Silver, using math, went head to head against just about every single person saying God told them Romney was going to win. At the end of the day, math won.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I wouldn't trust what anyone says comes from God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Johashua Methuselah Miscava, Allah, etc.

    There are several reasons why someone believes or says they believe in such contact.

    Many are mentally disturbed and some are just attention whores.

    Pat Robertson's reasons would be monetary. I should be surprised when such a person goes so far as to say that God told them the outcome of the election, but nothing surprises me anymore. Such people can be wrong, it can be recorded on video or clearly in print on JWN and yet people will act as if what were said or typed as directly from God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Johashua Methuselah Miscava, Allah, etc. was misconstrued or indeed never actually said.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I suppose someone on television has a more urgent need to admit they were wrong than someone on JWN.


  • EntirelyPossible

    I doubt it will hurt Pat. This is the same guy that said 9/11 was cause by people being gay in America.

    Point is, math wins. Again.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Did anyone comment about you switching to an actual photo of yourself? Very good likeness.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yes, a few people did. I like to keep things fresh and happening with my avatar.

  • Finkelstein

    Pat Robertson is a good example how one can get mentally fuc..d up on religion and at the same time be admired by ones social peers.

  • unstopableravens

    well as a christian people like pat robinson joel osteen peter popoff and so many more make me angry.it is bad enough to lie about god using you as achannel but these guys sell dreams of health and wealth and take the last dime of poor people. perhaps they are worse than the wt in some ways

  • EntirelyPossible

    To be fair, every person that has ever said God was using them as a channel and predicted something wrong was beaten by math.

  • unstopableravens

    i agree! the bible says do not go beyond what is written. if ppl chose to do that they will be proved liars(provebs 30:5,6)

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