Hearing God vs. Math.... Math wins

by EntirelyPossible 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    yummy i wish i had a dragon that breathed cupcakes.can you can give any specific prophecy that did not come to pass. and with evidence

    All of them in the Bible. Evidence.... all of history.

  • Fernando

    The ignorance of so called prophets proves them false.

    A prophet is not a foreteller.

    A prophesy is not a prediction as such.

    A prophesy is always a message.

    Consequently the first prophesy (message) in the Bible is Gen 1:1, and not Gen 3:15 as per the Watchtower.

    A prophet is a messenger - like a postman.

    The postman is of little consequence.

    The letter he delivers may be of enormous consequence. At times the message may contain predictive elements.

    In the New Covenant dispensation the message believers (postmen) are to deliver is the gospel/bissar/injeel.

    It does not behove the postman to tell the addressee what to do with the letter/message.

    The message can and does speak for itself.

    Those who choose to follow the map or message find they are led away from religion to faith and spirituality instead. These no longer need any human to teach, direct, control or instruct them.

    Being free of a self-defeating religious framework or worldview our lives and relationships generally improve, even in the face of ongoing problems in life. It does not mean we have all the answers, rather much less misdirection.

    As a believer, science and math (logic and patterns) were created by my heavenly father and if pursued with honesty and integrity, ultimately lead back to him. Personally I find religion to be inherently and surreptitiously anti-science, anti-reason, anti-evidence and anti-logic.

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