HELP from Pagans please, X-mas gift ideas

by nuthouse escapee 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Heaven: I will definitely let you know how the store is. The Rosemary tree is a great idea.

    Pams girl: Fantastic idea, I love doing crafts, especially Christmas related. I will definitely make one of those wreaths. I have craft paint already and some pine cones and cedar cuttings and ribbon. I just must make one. Thanks Leslie

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Great! I use the microwave on a low setting, checking every 1 long as its not cooked too quickly, you can avoid air bubbles.....Acrylic paints work best, but you can use whatever you have to hand, Ive even used glitter nail varnish.....and silver car spray hahah! Clear varnish afterwards, and as long as its kept away from heat or damp, it will last forever. Have fun!

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Pams girl, thanks for the detailed suggestions. I'll have to make it when my hubby isn't home or he might eat it lol.

  • Heaven

    So if you make the wreath, can you take some pics and post them? That would be cool.

    For some reason, I love pine cones, especially the honkin' big ones (I think they are called Sugar Pine Cones). I have a few I want to decorate but haven't had time. I made a pine cone hanging decoration one year but would like to embellish it.

    Here are some pics I like of decorated pine cones:

    Painted Pine ConeSilver Pine Cone

    Decorated Pine ConePine Cones and Ribbons

  • ziddina

    I guess you don't know much about the variety of paganism that they celebrate??

    Also, how much did you want to spend? Although I like the suggestions for a handmade gift - much more personal and thoughtful!

    I was going to suggest an herbal besom - I've been thinking about making one out of the old catnip sticks as the catnip plants die back... Or you could use a fragrant grass, as long as you get the stiffer stalks that won't shed as much as they sweep...

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Ziddina: I know that they use crystals and stones for healings. At first I thought they were into wicca but they said no it wasn't that. I know one of them likes dragons and has a few figurines. I looked that up on the web and found that different dragons and their colors are for different things. Wouldn't want to screw up and buy the wrong one. lol. The store I have found and plan to visit this week have the besom brooms, as well as incense, candles, crystals, stones and many other items. I also like the idea of making a gift. Thx. Leslie

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Heaven, those are beautiful. I have never seen a pine cone that huge. It's a decoration all by itself with a bit of glitter and a bow. Love it.

    I want to post pictures of all my X-mas decor but have to figure that out yet. Hubby can take the pics with the blackberry but how I get them from there to here is the confusing part. I am not computer savvy and would need the Posting Pictures for Dummies techno babble is like a foreign language to me. Leslie

  • ziddina

    Okay, if they're not Wiccan, then a 'besom' probably wouldn't have much significance to them, unless they also practice some sort of earth-oriented cleansing rituals...

  • Heaven

    Zid, I think Leslie/NE said her friends are into more Native/shamanic type rituals/beliefs.

    Thanks for posting the besom link. I am wanting to make one. The lady behind me has a dogwood bush and it grows through my fence. I am going to hack off the red branches and try to use them. I will leave one or 2 small ones for the birds to land on as it is right by my bird feeder.

    I have a branch for the handle... I just have to get the bottom of the broom part collected and assembled. Might take me a while though.

  • Heaven

    Heaven, those are beautiful. I have never seen a pine cone that huge. It's a decoration all by itself with a bit of glitter and a bow. Love it.

    Those big sugar pine cones were around $2.99 at Super Store a couple years back. Michaels might have them as well. They are quite beautiful when some pretty ribbon and a few other little sprigs (like dried berries or fruit, some birch bark curls, etc) are added. Your local nursery may have them as well.

    The ones I made I painted the tips of the cones with white paint to make it look like they had snow on them.

    I want to post pictures of all my X-mas decor but have to figure that out yet. Hubby can take the pics with the blackberry but how I get them from there to here is the confusing part.

    You'll need to upload the images to an online photo sharing account like Photobucket. Then you can link to them from here.

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