Shunned while my Son copes with Cancer.

by phil the fish filleter 28 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • phil the fish filleter
    phil the fish filleter

    Aha! so here we go then, unbeknown to me we have a person that has been an invisible participant in face to face conversations between myself and the Parents of my sons wife.

    On the other hand are you actually one of them?.

    I'm afraid old hippie blind comments along the lines above are quite simply made through ignorance. You know neither me, nor any of the parties involved, nor the attitudes of these people.

    The threat above was made both to my Son, and to my face later by his wife's Father. end of!.

  • Chariklo

    Don't worry, Phil, it has the ring of all-too-real truth to those of us who have either, in some cases, experienced similar atrocities or, like me, have seen it happening first hand among people I know.

    The natural instincts of parenthood, to love and care for one's offspring are thrust aside at the behest of this horrible, wicked organisation. I know the fear the Borg induced. Even I, ostensibly with no reason to fear them, was very very inhibited when I first was liked and turned my back on them.

    As others have said, let us know how it transpires, won't you? We are rooting for you.

  • phil the fish filleter
    phil the fish filleter

    Just to relate to other comments, again thanks for your responses. I think the most interesting thing that has occured throughout the whole of this is the mystified reaction from her Parents. They genuinely cannot understand my refusal to accept the discipline they are trying to impose on me. They think that I should just accept anything they insist on, after all, my concern should only be not doing anything to harm my chances of being re-instated when I 'come to my senses'.

    The fact is that we have been very robust in ignoring the looks of disdain, avoidance, and perceived road blocks they have tried to erect between our Son and ourselves, and we can see the way their Brains seize up when things don't go according to the programming.

    We will see how it goes from here, we are concerned though that moves could be brought to bear on our Son to enforce isolation from disciplining from the KH he attends.

    Nevertheless, this behaviour, in light of the circumstances needed to be exposed.

  • phil the fish filleter
    phil the fish filleter

    Certainly will Chariklo.

  • PaintedToeNail

    phil-I am so sorry that your son and your family are going thru this difficult and scary time. It was good to learn the doctors got the tumor out, hopefully your son will respond to the other treatments the doctors are likely to give.

    It is even more horrible that his in-laws are trying to blackmail your son into never seeing you. It is good that his wife is refusing to go along with her disillusioned, demented parents.

    I wish you and your son and your family the very best of outcomes!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Good for you, standing up to ridiculous bully tactics. I hope his in-laws' attitudes helps wake your son up to who really has his best interests in mind and who is just following rules. I won't assume that, because dangerous mind-control cults often get people thinking backwards.

    So glad I read your post and so glad you are doing what you can to do the right thing.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Interesting thought that one though Doc, who decides necessary family business?

    According to the WTS Service Desk, THE FAMILY decides what is "necessary family business". It is NOT a decision that Elders are to be involved in. Family members have the right to determine such, and it is a matter of conscience for them. The only "action" than can come against them from the BOE is that they may determine that a Cong member is not qualified for special privledges if their known association with a DF person has notoriety within the Cong. A baptized member of the Cong cannot be DF/DA for their association with DF/DA family members.

    At least that is the way it was a few years ago. Of course, the WTS has really ramped up their verbal hostility on association with DF family members, but to my knowledge it still is the decision of the family to make.


  • phil the fish filleter
    phil the fish filleter

    That's the issue isn't it doc. I would love to be able to explain this situation further the trouble is that if I did that my sons position would be compromised. He is no more a JW than Donald Duck, however, he's married into a fanatical JW family, and walks a tightrope trying to hold his family together.

    I warned him when we left the cult how difficult this would be, the fact they are using his illness as a lever to force him to conform is what I am trying to expose here.

  • Chariklo

    It never ceases to surprise me that so many people think JW's are mild, harmless people who are just over sincere. People just do not realise the savage truth.

    If there were a way of shaming them to themselves it would help, but these close tight family connections like your son has. Phil, make it so difficult.

    Wish I could be more helpful, wish I knew something that would be really useful.

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