Jehovah Witnesses, Elders or Elderettes, Which Sex Was More Wicked In Your Experience?

by PokerPlayerPhil 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    If you have ever tried to harness a Jezebel influence in the congregation it is quite a ride. They can cry at the drop of a hat, make their defense out that they are the victims, and then they will take one elder at a time and coerce him to see things their way. It's just amazing

    yep seen it too

  • PokerPlayerPhil

    Jake when Smart Money or Old Money is involved usually lawyers on each side draw up the financial arrangements instead of Watchtower "Trust me and sign this!" deeds. The family's parents invented some gadget we all use daily and many more, Watchtower would have liked the parents to hand that lump some over unconditionally without the ability to call that money but the mother was shrewd to have her lawyers make sure the kids could get that money when they needed after a grace period with the Watchtower. They held that money for over a decade, too bad all that interest free cash got taken away because their run-away PO and his wife had a grudge against them. It's sad we all don't have the same economic value(spiritual value) in the eyes of the Organization, money talks with Watchtower and Publishers without can walk out without being heard from again!

    I wish I could get all the nitty-gritty details on this because we could put yoke in the Organization's eye by showing how it's all about the Green Handshakes and Mattresses, not intrinsic value of each Publisher! I enjoyed your insights on this topic, it sounds like you know all to well how "get together", gatherings can be used to punish families or single people that did not do anything wrong or refused to become embroiled in some nasty intra-family hate feud!

  • zeb

    I coined the phrase the 'dragon class' for such ones.

    "coerce him to see things their way. It's just amazing"

    No it is the product of elders with no formal education in interpersonal skills, basic psychology or human development being conned by females with neither education, productive outlet and too much time on their hands.

    Now heres a thought.....

    Lets us see the wt/gb start up and run continuous schools for Elderettes and in the USA flying them in would be elders wives in to do the school.

    Comments please.

  • PokerPlayerPhil
    I say the Elderettes might do a better job than most Elders because they probably got a higher education on average!
  • Divergent

    Looking at all those bullying, judgemental, & unpleasant people which I have encounted before in various congs, I can't help but notice something very obvious in EVERY case...

    They are all unhappy & miserable people

    Anybody else here have the same observation?

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