Does anyone really care

by kenpodragon 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    Does anyone really care what active Witnesses think of them? I ask, because on many of the Ex-Witness boards I see a lot of mention of what people think others say behind their back. Personally, I hope the Witnesses think I am the devil himself and fear me upon sight of me. I basically don't even know who is a Witnesses and who isn't. All I know is there are a lot of weird people in this world, a lot of bad drivers, and a lot of people I wouldn't care to know. So if some of those are active Witnesses, well join the crowd.

    I have been in my martial arts uniform before at presentation in malls with my students, and had Witnesses I knew come up and ask me how I could wear a flag or talk about killing a attacker. I respond back with, "how could I not?" This is confusing to them, and that is a normal state of mind for them "confused."

    I honestly thought that the Witnesses I knew growing up and on into being a elder were weird, odd and outcast. So to be free from those people now, is a relief and not something I worry about. I now have friends with college degrees, good paying jobs, nice cars, and enjoy life. I stepped up in the world, what do I care what the guy who mows the neighbors lawn or cleans my toilet thinks. (Sorry it that insulted anyone).

    Just a thought.

  • rhett

    Hey everyone except Ken, read this above message. This is someone who is actually making sense and has a nice healthy view point on all this. I couldn't agree anymore with him about this view. If only half the people who leave the JW's would have this outlook the world would be a better place and this board would certainly (to me anyways) be a lot more fun.

    I don't feel like Satan but I am to them.

  • yumbby

    Hey kenpo, nice to see ya! I used to talk to you on timothys site, just wanted to say hi and I hope you are doing well.

  • dungbeetle

    ...unless " the guy who mows the neighbors lawn or cleans my toilet" is my brainwashed son/daughter with equally brainwashed grandson/granddaughter....


    The Watchtower, and many JW's, have a piss-poor attitude toward family. I don't see the point of leaving the organization, but taking THAT value system with me.

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • kenpodragon

    I thought your name looked familiar. Doing really good, just kind of checking out other boards and seeing what's up.

  • kenpodragon

    I have relatives that are still in the cult ... Mom, Sister, Mother and Father in law. They all learned early on that we did not care if they shunned us, as that only last about two weeks. Now they beg to have us around and we slam their religion all the time when they bring up things that are wrong. My wife and I left together, but we did not turn to another Christian religion ... had we done that they might have been a little more difficult. No, we just turned Pagan and now they love us more ... :D They actually ask us for advice all the time, and I get messages on my machine all the time asking for us to call more, and come over more ... frankly they over compensate at times to makes sure they do not look like they are shunning.

  • Introspection

    Hi Kenpo, welcome to the board. I can't say I care what they think about ME, but I care what they think as a result of what they think about me, generally speaking. I've chosen not to disassociate myself so they can approach me if they like, and just the other day they came by to invite me to the memorial, one of them had noted how happy I looked. I figure that's a "good witness" for the witness. Actually, I've come to the conclusion I was never REALLY shunned - even though there will be some of that even with active witnesses in good standing - but just generally ignored. They know I'm still out there, and that I'm still not going to meetings or anything, and yet I'm happy. I think when they're ready they'll talk to me, even if it is after they leave. Meanwhile I just remain "approachable", since nothing they say will bother me, unlike what I would have to tell them.

  • rhett

    See what happens when you actually go and do something normal instead of whining about everything all the time folks? Go, be yourself, do what you think is right and it works out just fine. Remember, they're the ones with the problem, not you. Why should you be ashamed of not being a cult member? If anything they should be the ones that are ashamed of the way they live. Listen to this guy, he has a better grasp on a normal life than just about any poster I've ever seen. Keep up the good work Ken.

    I don't feel like Satan but I am to them.

  • TMS


    I now have friends with college degrees, good paying jobs, nice cars, and enjoy life. I stepped up in the world, what do I care what the guy who mows the neighbors lawn or cleans my toilet thinks. (Sorry it that insulted anyone).

    Although your above quoted description does not sync with my values, I applaud your new-found happiness.


  • Sargon

    Personally Ken, I don't care what most people think of me. But my Mom and other family members are witnesses and I do care about them. They don't like alot of the things I do, but I would like to think that they still care about me as a person.
    By the way, I recognize your dragon picture, is that from a D&D boxed set?

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