Are They Cynically Shutting Down The Organization?

by metatron 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • John_Mann

    I don't think they have a master plan about what's going on with the WT.

    The Hanlon's Razor explains that: Never attribute to intelligence that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah they need a complete revamping of the corporation to stay relavent to the swiftly changing enviroment due to increases in technology, intelligence,and the changing laws about tax exempting non profit corporations.

    This Biblical date making format that they have been basing thier buisness model on got to be thrown in the trash heap if they want to survive. I mean with the information age upon us with search engines like Google you can only attract the most niave of followers with an extremely poor earning potential, a very small and ever shrinking group(% wise) not a very good marketing target.

    A complete over haul which would require a changing from a delusional based Governing Body to a clearer thinking able to see the writing on the wall so to speak Governing Body which I can only see happening by some type of over throwing power to remove these power grabing GB.

  • ohiocowboy

    I believe that a very bad precedent is being set. Before long, they will be even more cult like, as the only witnesses left will be the uber-faithful which will cause them to be more close knit and fanatical. There will be a smaller amount of them, not the 7 million they are boasting today, but they won't consider it a bad thing, they will see it more as the doors of the ark closing. Their teachings will be farther out in left field as they try to make sense of all the previous false teachings.The smaller they are, the more dangerous they can become.

  • MrFreeze

    They still have a lot of property to sell off before they can do that.

  • Londo111

    Their business strategy to long term problems: Armageddon will take care of it.

    I’m interested in any intel Flipper has, but I think it is more realistic to think they are Captives of the Concept. Why didn't David Koresh surrender to the Feds? Because he believed his own hype.

  • prologos

    yesterday in the public talk the impressive speaker used the illustration of people leaven the org with someone jumping from a 40 storey building an reaching the 3rd floor realizing her mistake. should have talked to him. later aplied that parable: the hapless jumpers at the wtc had to let go because of the heat. they did not know that the whole impressive thing was going to collapse! I know they never felt a thing. Here is the real conclusion from that ill-thought out metaphor: If you work inan impressive edifice and there is a rumbling , get out as quick as possible, for if you gey caught, have to jump or get crushed in the collapse, it is going to be a bad day. Jesus is the door, opened to the better pastures. blessings:

  • problemaddict

    I hate to say it guys, because the thread has interest.....but there is no way this religion is going anywhere. They are simply making prudent buisness decisions for the 21st century. I have noticed a little bit of damned if you do and damned if you don't here on the board. If they don't go high tech its because they are living in the dark ages, trying to control people with tactile feeling magazines they attach an emotional bond to yadda yadda yadda. If they go high tech and less paper it because they are going broke and hoarding money.

    I honestly think the truth is in the middle. They are going high tech because it is cheaper and they are also taking in less money and having to settle some law suits. But this group isn't going anywhere, and if the sheep ask why things are being scaled back, I am sure it will all just be in preparation for the tribulation and the enemies of Gods people to not be able to completely shut down the work or some kind of narrative along those lines.

    Thats just my thoughts anyways.

  • Finkelstein

    Ohioboy makes a valid point, for if the WTS. shrinks down to such a point in size they may very well become even more cultish and controlling

    to subdue and captivate its members.

    Its easy to theorize what direction the WTS. may take, I'm more of them revising doctrines to cultivate members and retain them

    just it has for the past century. Fear is a very strong psychology vehicle to control people and it has been used to its fullest by the WTS.

    to only not gravitate attention to the organization but also to captivate them once they are there.

  • DavePerez

    Many religions exist apart from publishing operations, and the REAL money is in generating donations from members, not in randomly knocking on doors to find 'interested ones' to give away magazines. I think of their publications as a loss leader, or an excuse to go out and recruit members (or even leaving the WTs in laundrymats, etc). The newer mags are less lengthy, perhaps based on marketing studies that show that few people read the entire mag. So why bother putting out 32 pages, when 16 pages is more effective and less-costly?

    Perhaps the shift to on-line efforts will mean that interested ones will be encouraged to contact the local hall, OR, they will leave their name and address on the web site, and JWs from the local congregation will be directed to those who are interested. Think of the technology as allowing for more targeted marketing efforts, hence more efficient, less wasteful.

  • JustHuman14

    I don't think that they will ever shut down the organization. For them is a money making machine. I would describe WT as hotel. People are coming and going and no matter what, clients will always leave money to the reception. So is the WT, plus it has to do with power and control, and that means they will never hand it over to someone else, or just let it go. Just like dictators that are not willing to leave power, so is the GB of the WT....

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