Are They Cynically Shutting Down The Organization?

by metatron 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pterist

    It looks like they see the writing on the wall in terms of the digital world where printing is no longer a smart choice and anticipation of all sorts of backlash as their failed "generation" end time chronology, is now seen by the r&f as pure speculation and not from Jehovah. They closed a hugh distribution center in Ireland recently and I belive they are consolidating all over the world. A business can be run right from the Internet without all the bricks and mortar as they lock themselves in their bunkers with all our money.

  • whathappened

    It would be the best thing for everyone if they would just quietly shut down and go away. That way the tried and true JW's would not have guilty consciences and may have a chance to go on to lead normal, healthy lives.

  • Finkelstein

    It should also be realized that the WTS. is a publishing corporation, albeit a religious one and the GB members are really its directing executives,

    similar to a profiting publishing house in its operation as a buisness..

    In those business environments the editorial executives heads are also responsible for make necessary changes to

    the products it sells to the open public consumers.

    I see no deliberate intension of shutting down the WTS. in the immediate future, taking into account of the recognized power

    and wealth, (probably more than a billion US in total assets) that this organization as acquired over the years.

    All the involving task the leaders(GB) have to do to retain all of this is creating specifically

    devised doctrines( described as new light) and publish them by whatever means and finding ones who might actually believe in them.

  • lifestooshort

    Comments all very interesting. I think it will all come to a head very quickly and take many by surprize.


    Considering the Wonderfulness of our Awesomeness..

    We the WBT$ Governing Popes..

    Aren`t going anywhere..

    JW`s are Obviously and Permanently Happified..

    We love that Idea!..

    .............................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW


    Double Happified Post..

    .............................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Vidiot

    I'm pretty sure that whatever actions the WTS may take aren't part of some overarching long-term concious exit strategy.

    Like elderelite said, the GB are True Believers (TM) ; the possibilty of the WT's brick-by-brick collapse is inconceivable to them. More importantly, long-term planning is something they just don't really do well; it conflicts too much with the WTS's rock-hard conviction that the End of the World is gonna happen any day now.

    I'm completely convinced, however, that the WTS's collective identity (and rest assured, it does have one) absolutely has at least some degree of subconcious awareness of its own inherent and potentially impending mortality. In fact, I would argue that it always has; it's the reason it's fought so hard to survive all this time (whether it actually needed to fight or not). Nothing cynical about that, IMO.

    This awareness, in turn, would absolutely manifest itself in conscious actions, such as implementing what-the-hell-are-they-thinking policies that nevertheless have the net effect of pruning down the size and intellectual capacity of the R&F to a more manageable level whilst still keeping the GB in the position of physical affluence and comfort they're accustomed to.

    In addition, when faced with a hard but unavoidable choice, any authoritarian regime will almost always accept a smaller, more submissive proletariat and consolidate their power base, rather than implement progressive reforms that will ultimately erode that power base.

    It's only when they're about to lose everything that authoritarian regimes implement scorched-Earth strategies. We're still a ways away from that.

  • Tater-T
  • Finkelstein

    Ask yourself where can a guy who most likely never spent a day in college or University and who've might not have even finished high school,

    get to a position as an executive directer of a multi-million dollar world wide publishing corporation ?

    The WTS. isn't going anywhere, it may morph into something else with newly named magazines together with new doctrines to support

    those pieces of literature, but the WTS is sticking around to be sure.

    Think about how when Rutherford took over the organization and how he created newly devised doctrines, dismissing some of what

    Russell established himself, the Publishing House became his to use at his own discretion and desire.

    There is a structured semblance of power within this organization from the top all the down to the bottom, with a large group of people living off the

    proceeds of the organization, including those GB members.

  • Finkelstein

    In fact, I would argue that it always has; it's the reason it's fought so hard to survive all this time (whether it actually needed to fight or not). Nothing cynical about that, IMO.

    Lets not forget that this organization is someones livelihood. $$$

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