The Sweet Taste of FREEDOM!!!

by Unbrainwashed publisher1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unbrainwashed publisher1
    Unbrainwashed publisher1

    Everyday is an adventure the only thing that stays the same is that each day I make my own decisions. I take pleasure in getting to know new people

    with no agenda of trying to get them to convert to the org. No more making yourself read all that boring literature knowing it makes no sense and not

    trying to make myself understand it, no Saturday morning begging from door to door in field circus no more driving out of town for an assembly I'm

    never going to remember what they talked about anyway!

    The PULL of the organization is like GRAVITY it pulls on you everywhere you go your choice of friends entertainment education recreation employment

    your speech your dress and grooming spouse bedroom you name they have their nose in it, it feels good to be FREE!

    How does freedom taste or feel to you? First thing you did or what is your perspective on life now blinders are off?

  • Hortensia

    Woohoo! congratulations to you.

    First things I did were all forbidden - partying, visiting other churches, that sort of thing. It was fun to feel so free. Of course after a while I settled down, no harm done.

  • WinstonSmith

    Great post UP1, bought a smile to my face, and I need that today.

    'Worldly' people are just people now. Not potential converts. Not potential victims of God's wrath. Just people, all weird and wonderful in their own little ways.

    Viewing people this way makes you see the world in a whole new light. It affects the way we interact. It makes relationships seem more genuine.

    And that's pretty cool.

  • clarity

    Unbrainwashed ... everything you described ...omg so great!

    When that spin in your head stops constantly trying to

    convert somebody ....what a relief. No more time slips to worry

    about ... imagine every month, every year ..your whole life!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stupid or what!

    Good nite


  • Kojack57

    It feels good to be free to get up and do what you want, not having to worry about the approval of the BORG. No field service, boring meetings, giving public talks, ect... LIFE IS GOOD!


  • cedars

    Unbrainwashed publisher1 - freedom is truly marvellous, well done for making it out!

    It's interesting to hear you refer to the pull of the organization as being like "gravity". I've been out mentally for more than a year, but I still catch myself from time to time thinking like a JW and (for a split second) wondering if I've made a terrible mistake. Then I remind myself of all the things I've learned about the organization that are true and verifiable, and any nagging doubts soon dissipate. It's shocking to think of the grip this cult can have on you - even after you've left.


  • WTWizard

    And no worrying about buying something, watching something, or doing something and finding out that some tiny aspect is "unscriptural". If I buy a flashlight, I don't have to worry about "materialism", "trusting in Jehovah", or if the company that makes it is owned by a Satanist. Same for a light bulb. I can find and download videos about whatever I feel like watching, from porn to watching people playing video games to rating light bulbs to old vintage quiz shows to people playing with marbles (and grown-up versions of it) to birthday parties to people setting up the Christmas tree or even videos of people taking vacations to New Zealand and enjoying the trip. Never mind Brother Hounder claiming something is "unchristian" or "It seems you are interested in going to New Zealand. Let us know ahead of time before you go, so we can set you up for boasting sessions and field circus" when I plan on waiting until my silver appreciates so much in value that I can comfortably afford it.

    Which I can freely buy. No more "Seems you have money for silver. Let's see what we can do about that. Hmm, your suit could be a bit more drab in color. Your book bag needs to be a dark gray. How much can you treat us to lunch or gas money? What about pledging a big amount for the next Kingdumb Hell build or the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund?". I simply put aside whatever money I see fit and invest it in silver, wait for the dollar to become toilet paper, and then use the silver for barter. Hey, if a day's wage was a silver dime back in the first century, and that was a good wage, I should have enough to get through quite a few years instead of having the hounders claiming I should be trusting in Jehovah.

  • unstopableravens

    i dont know ill let you know when i find out!

  • rebel8

    For me the most profound thing was a freedom from FEAR, gradually loosing the restraints on my brain so I was finally free to consider facts and viewpoints without expecting death as a result.

  • 20yearfader

    Can one truly be free when they have been born in brainwashed for years and still have family that still in the religion?Iv'e been gone for 20 years and it still nags at me in the back of my mind.

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