Out with a bang or Fade

by Honeybucket 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • happy@last

    I waited for the announcement that I was no longer an elder, and never went back, stopped everything. It was still a fade as i never DA'd myself so the out with a bang doesn't apply. Having said that my wife still gets "we miss him" a lot. If they were pestering me it would be a different matter.

  • Phizzy

    I was kinda reversing out for about 3 years, resigned as M.S one year, 12 months later stopped F.S, 12 months later (roughly) walked out of the K.H never to go back.

    I had intended to attend the odd Meeting for a couple of months, but simply could not face going back. I did a furious amount of research, and felt, once I had found out the extent of the WT's corruption, that I would be physically sick if I entered a K.H again.

    I did not know if I would be DF'd as I was quite vocal at first about what was wrong with the WT/JW religion. I did not know either if my JW wife would sling me out or whatever.

    I was lucky, my wife exited with me, and I have avoided being DF'd by taking a lower profile, all my blood relatives , apart from a cousin who lives a long way away, are in, so I like being able to talk to my family, even if it is a little stilted, we no longer have much in common apart from being family.

    At first I tried to wake up my family and other JW's, but to no avail, they are simply not ready, or weren't then.

    I decided in the end not to write letters that simply do not enter the brain of JW's, and then end up slung out, and simply to live a good life, with JW's looking on me simply as an inactive non-attender.

    Life is good ! Why rock a boat that is leaking anyway ? The WT/JW religion will sink of its own accord in time, and hopefully our families wake up before that happens.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I faded.

    Did it slowly over a year or so. First I stopped going out in field service, even though at the time I was still trying to believe that it was "the truth".

    I got a promotion at work (yes me, a lowly sister!) which interferred with getting to meetings on time, so I slowly stopped the weekly meetings. Just Sundays, then the occasional Sunday.

    Around this time I also got onto the internet and read Crisis of Conscience which answered the questions and doubts I'd been having. Tried to stay in but I just couldn't support something I didn't believe in anymore.

    I went to the 2000 Memorial as a final ditch effort. It was so cold and unfeeling and I didn't believe in only 144k going to heaven anymore, so I knew I was making the right decision. I didn't go to another meeting after that.

    I had a few phone calls during that time, but after a while I got the impression they were trying to see if I'd done anything wrong (which I hadn't) and screened my calls. Eventually they gave up.

    I then moved to another state to start a new life away from the JWs.

  • bigmac

    i'd already resigned--back before 1975--but i dithered around--occasional meetings & local assemblies--to keep the boss reasonably happy.

    then at the end of 1980--i really did go out with a bang.

    i was banging one of the sisters !

  • jemba

    We have been fading in and out for 20 years but them moment we both learned together TTATT we never went back. There is no way I could deliberately fade or even worse stay in knowing TTATT. Even while mentally in I found it really hard to do anything JW related because it made me physically ill, I hated every part of 'the truth', it was as though the cognitive dissonance was finally just too much and it all had to come to a head. As a born-in there was no escape as I didnt want to be destroyed by jeehooba at the big A. We are so happy now and so damn relieved that we never have to go back.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I'm still in the fading process...go to meetings (only sundays) a couple times a month...midweek meeting is non existent for me...no FS for over 5 months now, but still send in time...recently stepped down as an MS.


    Kool Jo

  • DesirousOfChange

    I did a furious amount of research, and felt, once I had found out the extent of the WT's corruption, that I would be physically sick if I entered a K.H again.

    I really intended to just shed all responsibilities and limp along to keep a line on family & friends, but it felt good to not have to pretend to go in service, even tho I like Starbucks stops, and to not have to nag everyone to get ready for meetings, etc. Then once I truly learned all TTATT, well I'm too pissed off to give them the time of day. They already got the best years of my life.


  • jookbeard

    sat through 2 JC's and bullshitted about how sorry I was in voicing these apostate lies and how sorry I was if I weakened others faith, got let off the hook, but started the fade almost immediately, stayed that way until those 2 elders taped a speaker phone conversation I had with them which sealed my DA, not that I was really worried it was a good couple of years down the line.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    No fade, just picked a day for it to be my last meeting and announce to my husband that I was out. He went a few more times. A fade seems to prolong a painful death, in the end diehard JW family (like mine ) are not going to do business with you anyway. BTW my kids still tell me that was the best day of their lives! NMKA

  • Kojack57

    With family in its a no brainer, FADE. When I left it was due to the way the elders treated my daughter who was trying to get reinstated, I was an elder and stepped down not telling them the true reason. It wasn't until later that I started researching by reading Ray Franz books and many others that opened my eyes to the real truth. It's been 9 years now and I'm happy as hell to be away from the mind games and control they exert over everyone in the BORG.

    It took me awhile to realize that Satan is running the WB&TS. It his organization after all.


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