For What It's Worth...

by jeremiah18:5-10 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeremiah18:5-10

    I've been a member here for approx 4 months now. I've made all of 68 posts.

    On the otherhand, I visit the site daily and try to read every thread. Unfortunately I travel alot for work. I don't have as much time in front of my computer as I would like. 99% of the time I access through my phone and as of yet have found no way to post from my phone. Thus my participation could easily be perceived as irregular.

    Why do I mention this? It's obvious that a hierarchy exists here and deservedly so. I notice that many have been members for years and have made thousands upon thousands of posts. Such ones rightfully are held in high regard and usually make valuable contributions.

    With that being said, I imagine that all members here have different circumstances in their lives. Some clearly are able to spend more time than others researching, writing, and debating all things WTBTS. For that I am thankful. However others, like myself, while being avid readers of the site, simply do not have the time to invest or the circumstances to be able to contribute as much. Does this in any way cheapen or de-value the contributions of such ones' when made?

    This certainly isn't to imply that this has happened directly, because, in my case I don't feel that it has necessarily. But clearly as mentioned by many members, your posting history and volume does make a difference in how seriously you are taken and whether you're perceived to be a lurker or an apologist or just a flash in the pan. I am hoping that I am not perceived as such due to a lack of posts. I hope that no one else is either. It seems that it would be better to base such conclusions on content and merit and allow someone as much time as needed to build a reputation.

    For many of us, taking the "leap" to joining a forum is a bit unsettling. Some of us are conditioned to being socially-challenged due to a lifetime in the WTBTS. Witty exchanges and open debate doesn't come easily for everyone. It can be difficult to verbalize things you've kept inside for years and were never able to talk about. Even if it were easier for me, I still would be faced with the challenge of not having the time and circumstances to post frequently.

    I've thoroughly enjoyed this forum and hope to continue to do so. I just ask that we each consider that circumstances vary and, as the widow who dropped in only two coins of very little value, it was worth more than all that the others dropped in out of their surplus. Point being that volume alone doesn't make one's contributions valuable. Volume of posts don't necessarily define a persons' true participation here.

    Please be assured of my deep respect and appreciation for this site and all of the work that you guys contribute to it.

  • creativhoney

    I'm a dipper. Not just with this forum but all aspects of life. I have bouts of visiting forums or other activities depending where I'm at in life. One week I am being creative another I'm baking another I'm getting healthy, another I'm interested in one topic or another..I'm enthusiastic about different things at different times, doesn't make anyone's comments any less valid IMO but of course regulars will be more social with one another that's perfectly natural as people form friendships and networks via social forums, I myself have made some friends via parenting and pregnancy forums where I am much more of a regular. I guess it's whatever is close to home!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Never feel intimidated to contribute what you wish. You don't have to belong to the top of the JWN chain to be of value. Not at all.

    Good post Jeremiah18

  • talesin

    Perhaps it's just human nature. Having thousands of posts means little, except that you may be housebound, or a worthless employee who spends all their time at work surfing the net.

    Some people like to be snotty,,, whatever! Some like to suck up to 'elders', or 'long-time posters' ... it's nonsense, and don't let it bother you.



  • Hortensia

    just have fun with it. Post when you want to, surf the threads, just read what's interesting to you.

    I'm just a blabby person with time on my hands -- you're right about that. I check in most days and say something on a few threads. Don't read the religious or doctrinal threads much. I'm over all that.

  • moshe

    You write well and putting thought into your posts take time- I would much rather read your comments than the 10,0001st comment that says, kiss me- again, not much value there for me.

  • Lozhasleft

    What a thoughtful and insightful post. Thank you Jeremiah. Many of us can relate to your difficulties re time and circumstances, and there is a kind of large crowd of more well known/established posters on the forum. Many are wise and experienced and very welcoming, but sometimes it can be slightly intimidating. Quality supersedes quantity for many here though, so don't be discouraged and I look forward to your future posts whenever you can.

    Loz x

  • bugger510

    Being new myself it took a while to realize that this was not a wtb&ts sanctioned place to be . Being disfellowshipped in 1985 I have personally gone through the rolller coaster of emotions watching my kids grow up , convinced that their dad was an apostate and that isn't true. Personally there is a deep love for Jehovah and his son Jesus but this relationship with Jehovah is not ever going to be based on what the society thinks about me. It does have everything to do with accepting whatever future plans Almighty God has for me and everyone else because of God's grace and a faith in that grace. I don't believe to be better than Isiah who when speaking of himself said that his best was likened to filthy rags.Real acceptance from Jehovah comes through Jesus ,his forgiveness and grace in our behalf.I also find that in the society there is very little forgiveness unless it's directed towards some unknown or greater purpose. A friend of mine used to one of the big three who decided whether or not a person was sorry enough to be put on probation or get canned only to find himself on the outside and looking in. But I am happy to say for him that at least his kids haven't disowned him . Thats all for now but there is something about the society and the United Nations, thats to all, allen================================= ,aka bugger

  • cobaltcupcake

    Bugger - Welcome!

    Jeremiah - I understand the feeling. I'm pretty new here too, but I was a JW for 32 years, and it took me awhile to get my bearings once I was out, so I didn't look for forums for a few years. Having a large number of posts isn't important. It's like Abraham Lincoln said, "It's better to be silent and be thought an fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

  • straightshooter

    Appreciate your thoughts. You are right, the number of postings really is not the important thing. But by adding your thoughts/opinions may be just what a reader needs at that moment.

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