I've been thinking the Bible isn't legitimate--long indoor mat-rant

by sd-7 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7
    I didn't know how you knew this.

    Well, supposedly he's the Beginning and the End and says there was nobody before him. At least that's what the Bible itself quotes God as saying. I'm just going based on that. The Bible is admissible proof for this discussion, isn't it?

    Of course I was joking--obviously God didn't use Google. Unless he's sort of like a form of Anti-Time, like in that last episode of Star Trek: TNG, and he gets more awesome as we go backwards in time. You could argue that he accumulates all knowledge and power from the future and then brings it back to the past. Just a crazy thought.


  • sd-7

    But I see this is going to get into an interesting debate about every word I wrote (at least with one person playing...dare we say devil's advocate? Or should we say God's advocate?), but one way or the other, this discussion, I hope, will actually help me see if I'm barking up the wrong tree or if I'm onto something.


  • Ucantnome

    I was just asking about statements you made about God.

    I know very little about God maybe you know more.

  • sd-7
    I was just asking about statements you made about God.
    I know very little about God maybe you know more.

    Well, you asked, I answered as well as I could. I meant no offense, perhaps I was a bit too harsh, and if so I apologize.

    God and I have never met, to my knowledge, so...we're kind of in the same boat. I can only go on what's in the Bible, which obviously isn't a complete picture. It calls to mind a few lines from Queen's song, "Innuendo": "If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky/If there's a point, if there's a reason for us to live or die/If there's an answer to the questions that we forgot to ask/Show yourself, destroy our fears, release your mask!" If we had these answers from the source, we wouldn't be having these kinds of issues, now would we?


  • Ucantnome

    You don't need to apologize.

    I don't have a problem in believing in God and Christ.

    I see a short future in being an atheist.

  • Apognophos

    Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Captain Passive Aggressive! He's come to save the day, while commenting to no one in particular that it's a shame others haven't figured out how to save the day for themselves and it sure would be a problem if one day he couldn't show up and save the day, because what would they do without him.

  • Ucantnome


    I don't understand your post. Could you explain it?

  • sd-7
    I don't have a problem in believing in God and Christ.
    I see a short future in being an atheist.

    That's fine. I see no problems with it either, to an extent. Belief can be a two-edged sword--it can motivate people to do great or terrible things. I just hope for you it can be great things rather than terrible. I'm not sure how to take that second sentence. I mean, we all have a short future, strictly speaking. But I'm not sure I'd label myself an atheist, maybe more so an agnostic if anything; either way, disbelieving the Bible doesn't in itself preclude the existence of God. But I do think if we don't bother to at least ask the questions, we're potentially allowing a blind spot to develop in our worldview and our conscience. That has often been a disastrous thing in man's history. If we find out we're wrong, we can always step back in line and receive our daily bowl of gruel for the day, metaphorically speaking.


  • Heaven

    Chapter 1, God Makes Everything.

    In somewhat the wrong order. That kinda says it all.

    Just realizing that 2,000 years have passed and Jesus hasn't come back, and a lot of pointless ideas and violence have all come because everybody wants to claim Abraham as their father and fight over land that wasn't originally his to begin with but some being no one has ever met promised to him even though he was already rich before he left home (why couldn't Jesus have just been born somewhere else?

    Two quotes from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" come to mind here:

    Hospitaler: I put no stock in religion. By the word "religion"... I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of God. I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness... is in right action... and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. And goodness. What God desires is here (points to head) and here (points to heart). By what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man. Or not. Come.

    Tiberias: I have given Jerusalem my whole life… Everything… At first I thought we were fighting for God, then I realized we were fighting for wealth and land. I was ashamed.

  • whathappened

    Keep this going, folks...this thread makes for delightful reading. Thanks to all posters.

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