Quick question, did you feel lonely at the meetings even though you were part of the action?

by Theocratic Sedition 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I guess it depends on why you go to the meetings in the first place. If you go mainly for the association, then loneliness is a possibility.

    The reason you should be going is to 'become one' with Jehovah, Jesus, and the Bible; to become Jehovah's friend.

    If you're going for any other reason, you're missing the 'big picture'.

  • minimus

    Never lonely. I just desired to get out of that KH as soon as I could. Once I left I never went back!

    I guess it depends on why you go to the meetings in the first place. If you go mainly for the association, then loneliness is a possibility.
    The reason you should be going is to 'become one' with Jehovah, Jesus, and the Bible; to become Jehovah's friend.
    If you're going for any other reason, you're missing the 'big picture'.

    We know what goes on in Watchtower World..

    It would seem you don`t..

    JW`s are told to go to meetings "For The Association"..

    At the meetings they are told to participate in WBT$ Activies or Die at Armageddon..

    It`s nice not to have to endure endless WatchTarded WBT$ Sales Meetings..

    ...........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Our beloved Brother Paul said: "And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24, 25)


    A watcher..

    You don`t need to quote scripture to prove your post was wrong..

    We already know you were wrong..

    ........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Apognophos

    I thought "a watcher" was being sarcastic the first time....

    Anyway, I would simply suggest that if anyone feels friendless in the congregation, it's because there's little that we are guaranteed to have in common with the assorted ones there. Even the personalities attracted to the organization are not all identical, with motivations ranging from "end-times paranoiac" to "high-horse rider" to "warm and fuzzy hugger" to "(faux) intellectual Bible scholar".

    As someone whose interests are not mainstream myself, I have known only a few brothers who shared one interest or two with me. But I wouldn't expect much different results with a random assortment of non-Witnesses. Then again, some of the things we like in the entertainment world are borderline or "un-Christian", so doesn't that also limit the subjects we can discuss with them?

  • jamiebowers
    Wow, I REALLY want to thank you for your insight, laughs, and hugs. Mostly your insight and experiences. I thought I'd been through all the emotions typical of this dual agent role, but this sort of loneliness is new to me. I hope any lurkers viewing this can see they're not the only ones going through this or have went through this.

    Miz, just from our private messages I know you're such a good person...a little rough around the edges, but still you have such a loving heart. Maybe your loneliness will help you to build a social network outside of the cult. I hope so, because you need to be appreciated for who you are, not what you are as a jw. Having "worldly" friends, and maybe even a girlfriend, will do that for you.

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