Why I Follow Conspiracy Theories

by metatron 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Currently, I'm very surprized by the revelations about child sexual abuse covered up by the BBC and involving very important people.

    It will be interesting to see if it exposes a lot about the elite.


  • cofty

    metatron - Good point, it seems to be far reaching. That's the point though, conspiries always fall apart sooner rather than later.

  • snare&racket

    " Consider that conspiracy is not just a side effect of government, it is the very purpose and aim of government !"

    I really don't think this is true. Are their isues with class and protection of wealth! Yes. Are there powerful people trying to protect their own wealth, yes. Is there an elitist attitude that sometimes rises its head in wanting to keep the poor down and unedcated? Yes.

    Is it a coincidense that the rich get in power.... No....

    BUT is the purpose of government an anti democratic conspiracy? no.

    Metatron why not put yourself forward and get involved in politics?

  • Twitch
    But, the best laid plans of mice and men always screw up, somewhere.

    True more often than not, I'd say. Even in modest endeavors, murphy's law rules.

  • ShirleyW

    The one and only so-called "conspiracy" I'm in 100 per cent agreement with is that I believe Beyonce didn't give birth to that kid of hers, re a pic that went viral when she was on a British talk show, stomach went flat when she sat down.

  • Vidiot
    metatron - "Currently, I'm very surprized by the revelations about child sexual abuse covered up by the BBC and involving very important people. It will be interesting to see if it exposes a lot about the elite."

    I've commented before about how institutionalized child abuse is being exposed in the media more and more, and the increasing levels of dismay from the general public in response; people aren't becoming jaded about it.

    Back in 2011, Corey Feldman dropped a media bombshell, claiming that child abuse was prevelent in the upper echelons of Hollywood moguls. I don't know if it ever went anywhere afterward, though.

  • Nambo

    I have no interest whatsoever in conspiracy theories.

    Learning about conspiracies however!, thats very exciting!

    Of course the big one in the UK at the moment is the conspiracy about widespread pedophilia in the British Establishment, whilst us "tin foil hat wearers"have known about it in detail for years, its actually starting to be revealed in the mainstream media as well.

  • bohm

    The gold standard in science is who can predict the unknown is the one who is most likely right.

    Remember when you was convinced of Rossis free-energy scam about a year ago? Remember that it was going to market in months? Remember how people told you it was a scam and you kept posting page after page of drivel and they still woulnt believe you?

    When you are consistently wrong on your conspiracy-inspired predictions, you got to consider at some point you might just be wrong.

    Thats what i would have done had rossi brought his product to market. and that is all the difference.

  • clarity

    The earthquake and tsunami in Japan last year was a global disaster,

    and some whistle blowing scientists have some very interesting points!

    They say that the nuclear power backers have a hidden agenda,

    that n.p. is really about economic warfare, land grab and depopulation!

    This is a long video, but extremely attention grabbing....... one interesting

    bit at about 42:00 was a surprise about the Queen of England owning

    35 trillion dollars worth of land with mineral rights. The minerals that make

    up nuclear energy!

    This is a Scientist Leuren Moret ....................................>



  • NoStonecutters

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