So Do You Think The Economy Will Change For The Better, Remain The Same Or Get Worse?

by minimus 52 Replies latest social current

  • glenster
  • panhandlegirl

    PPanhandle Girl - I hope you arent checking your 401k balances daily or even weekly.....the ups and downs can drive you mad!! quarterly works....annually even better - you get a more realistic picture of the growth.

    tiki, I only check it quarterly, but I keep up with the business news and what the markets are doing. I am also old and will probably have to work until my body gives out. Although, I don't mind working. My dad worked full time until the age of 75, he was afraid to retire because he thought he would die. Many of his retired coworkers died soon after retirement.

    mrqick, I'm still paying in. I think you will be able to collect but I guess others won't. When my dad retired, five of us children were paying into the system, now I guess, there are not enough people paying in to sustain SS, although, I realize that the govenment is taking SS money for other purposes. Before things started going down the tube, I thought it was a good thing to allow non-citizens to work here and pay taxes so there would be more people paying into SS. Now, there are not enough jobs to go around for Americans. I hope things improve, even if the growth is slow.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Why do I get the feeling that there are a lot of Americans that would be angry and bitter if the economy actually got better?

  • Berengaria

    Funny huh Billy?

    Romney promised 12 million jobs in his first four years. The punchline is that we are on track to do that anyway

  • tiki

    I think its hilarious that so many people think that the "Muslim, Kenyan, gay guy" back in office is tha harbinger of doom. I think the Republicans mastery in getting people to vote against their own actual interests is one of the greatest manipulations of our time.

    well put Problemaddict...............well put. Amazing....

  • NewChapter

    Deficit spending is coming down. There is set to be a rather large decrease for 2013, but I don't know what they are saying for 2014 yet. Unemployment has steadily gone down. I don't see that stopping, and there has been some pretty encouraging news on the wind. The economy will continue to improve.

  • designs

    Like George Carlin would say- 'Why do you need so much Stuff'. We are obsessed with and sold to much stuff. China can get along with 7% growth and we can get along with 3% growth.

    Having a 3 day Garage Sale this weekend to get rid of 'stuff'.

  • Botzwana

    I thought the Iraqi Dinar was supposed to save us all!

  • badseed

    It always goes up eventually. How else would the scammers make money? I would say the DOW is about ready to break the 14000 barrier again. By 2018 it should be well above 16000. Real estate will tripple in value (bankers are well stocked right now). It's only numbers in a spreadsheet anyway. Manipulate and sell when it's high to a bunch of unsuspecting fools who believe it'll continue on it's way up, and voila, cash in (who cares if they lose their shirt). Let it drop again, and the cycle restarts. Not really rocket science but it can get a little complicated I guess. Another 6 months to a year and it's back up again till about 2020.

    For us regular Joes, it's just another day in "can I afford that pink slime burger at McD" land.

  • minimus

    So no matter who is in office it doesn't matter.

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