How Soon is Soon?

by Sour Grapes 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    The Witchtower is being more careful now about putting a date

    out there for the beginning of the Great Tribulation. I think that

    they have learned their lesson from 1975. However they sure

    like to throw the word "soon" around. Every meeting and almost

    every prayer it is mentioned that soon God will destroy his enemies.

    The meaning of this word is different to a Witness versus a non-Witness.

    I saw a quote from an article in the Watchtower from 30 years ago

    that said that God's kingdom would SOON usher in a paradise earth.

    To a Witness it was soon then and this event is still soon. If I were to tell

    my wife excitedly that I am taking her to Europe soon would she be happy

    if I waited 3 years? How about 20 years? She would be upset and call be a liar.

    If I told my boss at work that I was going to quit my job soon would he wait

    6 months to start finding a replacement? How about 20 years? He would call me a liar.

    If my wife told the elders at the KH that she was going to start pioneering soon,

    would they expect her to do so in several months or wait 20 years? They would say

    that she lied to them. The Watchtower should say instead of SOON, in God's due time,

    sometime in the future, when God is ready, however that doesn't sound very urgent.

    We are God's children. What would your child think if you told them that you will take

    you to Disney World soon. What would soon mean to them? My guess is if not

    this year then next year at the latest. I doubt that they would be happy if soon was

    20 years later. I guess that soon does not have a starting point nor an ending

    point, just an awareness that it is soon.

    Sour Grapes

  • undercover

    How soon is too late?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Hmmm, good point. Hopefully this video will clearly sum up the Watchtowers doctrine concerning their time prophecies.

  • ziddina

    "Soon" is always - ALWAYS - in the future.

    It NEVER arrives...!

  • straightshooter

    You are right that the WTS's definition of "soon" will actually never arrive. But they have their own definitions such as what a "generation" is. So why can they not have their own crazy explanation for the meaning of "soon". The flock will alway accept it.

  • LostGeneration

    "soon" is that magical cult elixir that keeps them in. If you could survey 100 JWs, I bet most would say that the big A will be here in 3 to 5 years, with a maximum of around 10 years. Ask them again in 2022, and they would say the same damn thing.

    Hard to see the forest when the WT keeps putting all of those trees in their way...

  • leaving_quietly

    Amos 5:18 - "Woe to those who are craving the day of Jehovah !"

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    And don’t forget “very soon”, in case “soon” isn’t soon enough. It’s been soon for a hundred years, and it will still be soon a hundred years from now. Just like the carrot on the stick in front of the donkey - it will never be reached.

  • cobaltcupcake
  • myelaine

    dear Sour Grapes...

    God resides in eternity. we reside in a place where times slip by in months days years etc.

    Jesus Christ opened the way for His followers to enter into God's eternity and though people have been born and died throughout these years, on God's side all those who have died in Christ enter at the exact same time...a split second in eternity.(I think that is the better resurrection that paul hoped to attain to...Christ's resurrection)

    But not all people after Jesus Christ and certainly not those before He made the way...enter into eternity (because they are not in Christ) these are those who partake in the resurrection of the just and the unjust [daniel 12:2, rev 20:12-13*]who will be given, during their lifetime, the opportunity to turn to Jesus Christ and enter into everlasting life in eternity as partakers of Christ's resurrection OR be rejected/cast off into everlasting shame and contempt.(the second death)...God's "soon" takes into account all this takes "time" it can't happen in a split second of His eternity. 2 peter 3:8-10

    So...I think when the return is said to be "soon" or "quickly" Jesus wasn't so much speaking about a measurable time frame but an assurance of His return.

    *please note that revelation 20:12 says clearly that people will be judged on their works not their faith this ties into the warning that Jesus gave in matthew 25:31-46 about when He returns as a thief in the night...these verses imply that when He returns, both the sheep and the goats are judged on prior "commitments"...His return signals aren't given the opportunity to change your mind and believe in or have faith in Him for your salvation once He has returned.

    love michelle

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