How Soon is Soon?

by Sour Grapes 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • atrapado

    Soon I took at as 'it might be here any minute, tomorrrow maybe, but it can take 100 years'

    I remember asking at the meetings if the FD told us that the end will not happen for another 100 years would you still be as active as you are now? If you are not then you might be doing things for the wrong reason.

  • problemaddict

    Well if you believe in the scriptures, the proper mid state of readiness resides in Peters comments regarding the day of Jehovah coming as a thief. It was repeated by Paul.

    So "soon" may not be the wrong thing from the standpoint of a Christian's mentality right?

    I like the scripture in Amos.

  • finallysomepride

    R&F understanding of soon is within the next 2 years, generally they can't see passed that 2 year time frame. This being different to the twist that they wbts put on the word soon.

    just my thoughts

  • sir82

    "Soon" is evidently at least 98 years.

    Maybe "soon" has overlapped" with "pronto" and the result is we'll have to wait another 98 years.

  • atrapado

    sir82 I think your overlapped of 'soon' and 'pronto' is spot-on.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    By the time "soon" gets here I will be dead.

  • Heaven

    Soon is not as soon as imminent... on your front doorstep... closer than the inside of your eyelids.

    Regardless, the Wacktower has completely missed the mark. Soon only works so long. Then you start doin' this .

    With 7 million people in the world thinking regularly about the Big 'A', it ain't never gonna show. 'Cause it's s'posed to arrive when no one is expecting it. It's kinda sad that 7 million people haven't figured that out yet.

    And once again, another day has dawned, existed, and is now ending.... And Armageddon Has Not Arrived.

    ( )

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Whenever a JW asks me to do something I can't be bothered doing, I say OK but use the word 'soon'.

  • BluesBrother

    Soon....Shortly? Note their comments on Rev 1: 1 “A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.” (Revelation 1:1a)

    Rev Climax page 15

    "4 How could John say, though, that these “slaves” would be shown “things that must shortly take place”? Were not those words spoken more than 1,900 years ago? From the viewpoint of Jehovah, in whose eyes a thousand years are but “as yesterday,” 1,900 years is a short time when compared with the aeons of time that he spent in creating and preparing the earth for human habitation."

    So if 1900 years is a short time?????? The trouble is that we are not God, we are human and 1900 years, even 100 years is a blooming long time to us. If God is writing a book for humans, surely he would say it in terms that were relevant to us, not to him??

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