Any Elders comments on latest idea about Sisters

by truthlover 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quarterback

    Good point about the single parents, TL.

    The 1st century considered the Widows, and orphans...that would apply to the single parents of today.

    When the letter of Timothy speaks of respect to male members, it means it in a relative sense. Not in an elevated sense. You are a complement of a man. Many women showed that they were capable in making great decisions, and Jehovah did tell Abraham to listen to his wife, Sarah.

    The DO should of clarified that.

    With respect,


  • grumblecakes

    ive found that the people who are eager to exercise authority over others are usually the exact people who should never be given it.

    id watch out for that guy.

  • truthlover

    Actually Grumble, many do not like to listen to him, they feel he has a sexist attitude and is stuck in the 50's. they even had a demo during the afternoon with a sister wearing an apron..I could not believe it -- I hit my friend and say "apron alert!!" ... last time I saw one of those it was in a consignment shop..

    QB- thanks for the reply, it would be hard to talk to him, he kind of looks down on people..shakes your hand but scruntches up his eyes,,,, but " we will have to wait on Jehovah" to settle that score.... otherwise its a JC and I am not quite up to that yet..

  • truthlover

    Benny and Blinders - thanks for the quotes... will definitely use them

  • blondie

    But all congregation members, male or female, are subject in the same way to the BOE.

    *** w07 2/15 pp. 19-20 pars. 8-9 Wives—Deeply Respect Your Husbands ***

    Women can look to Jesus as an example, for the Bible says: “The head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3) Significantly, however, it is not only when women marry that they come under the headship of men.

    The Bible explains that women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men who exercise oversight in the Christian congregation. (1 Timothy 2:12, 13; Hebrews 13:17)

    (Hebrews 13:17) 17 Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among YOU and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over YOUR souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to YOU.

    If a woman is subject to all men, who comes first, father, husband, adult sons, the COBOE first, then the other two elders on the committee, and a subsequent list of men in order of importance? Rather women are subject to those taking the lead just as men are required to do so.

    Does 1 Cor. 11:3 say that men are over all women, or husbands over wives?

    *** w10 2/1 p. 28 Dealing With In-Laws ***Instead, the Bible states that “the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man”—that is, her husband. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

    *** w74 2/1 pp. 90-91 par. 12 Finding Joy in Training Children ***appreciation of the importance of showing respect. Parents should set a good example in this regard for their children. The father should demonstrate respect for the mother, recognizing that she is a fellow heir of “the undeserved favor of life.” (1 Pet. 3:7) She, too, should show “deep respect for her husband.” (Eph. 5:33) Both of them should have respect for the elders in the congregation living in harmony with the Scriptural counsel: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account.” (Heb. 13:17) By thus adhering to Jehovah’s ways they show respect for Jehovah and his theocratic arrangement.—1 Cor. 11:3.

  • blondie

    BTW what scriptures did he cite as support.

  • Quarterback


    There are some good DO's and CO's and some are nasty.

    It's a hard, demanding job, and I would imagine that it is not fun or fulfilling.

    You are very kind to offer to extend your hand as a gesture of friendship to someone that rubs you the wrong way.

    I have heard so many weird things come from DO's, I stopped taking them seriously along time ago.

    But, TL, come on now....what's wrong with the apron?

  • truthlover


    Would that not be a relative subjection ?? As I mentioned its all in the delivery. If the elder is one I respect, I would not have a problem with it but two I'm afraid would cause me pain to deal with them so I skirt them... others I can kid with and enjoy working with them... I had a great respect for my hubby and we had a great marriage til he died. My hubby did not pull the headship card on me, yet we respected each other enough that no problems existed on this point. I feel that since he is gone I now use the reasoning that Jesus and Jehovah are my head as the society often says the elders are imperfect men and they way things are going, who knows what is going on in their hearts. I don't know them enough to allow them into my thoughts and life..funny, isnt it? We are all supposed to be a big, happy family and those whom I do associate with are, yet we all pick and choose those whom we feel comfortable with and I am no exception. Believe me, I have no problem in many things but as you know, some things said off the platform by a CO or DO is "God giving direction", yet I feel that Jesus was not that much of a separatist, others feel the GB can do no wrong and the words spoken off the platform are golden. I used to have that thinking before, now I don't and thats what makes this an issue for so many singles.... and single parents... we are invisible and pick up the negatives, no matter what source it comes from spiritually. We had a great laugh over it when we all went to dinner after the assembly. Especially the apron....

    I think we are becoming muslims, the male children will be well indocrinated as to how to treat it will be a veil and sharia ...

    Thanks much, I do love the scriptures but doing this with joy and not sighing as overlords just does not happen. Very few shepherding call made.

  • truthlover


    Buy me an apron and I'll make you some cookies

  • truthlover

    Blondie- he started out with the 1 Tim scripture but did not end with one as he made mention of the total submission to all baptized male members.

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