Update on Mrs Obvious and myself

by Captain Obvious 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Well it's been about 8 months since my final wake up. As some may remember for my intro thread, I panicked and was way too aggressive at first with telling my wife all about this scam we're a part of. She freaked, thinking Satan had me for sure. I came on here, got plenty of advice, and have been taking it painfully slow ever since.

    My wife and I both work shift work that keeps us from over half of the meetings... I think that helps a lot. I quit going in service early this year. I had to go out one day in June when my dad and in laws were out for a visit.. Most painful hour I've had in forever! Just not ready for that conversation with my dad about it yet. My mom was DF'ed in April, and won't talk to me because she's still mind controlled. I still hope to reach her.

    My wife and I haven't talked nearly enough about my changes in belief, though I am constantly planting little seeds, and I am seeing them grow. She seems to be getting a more open-minded world view, very un-JW like. From the start she has made it clear that she loves me no matter what, and doesn't want any of this to damage our relationship... I am very thankful for that! She is truly an amazing woman. I can't wait to get her free of the Borg. I can't wait to see what she is really like without the cult! She even talks about what it will be like when we get old....

    I've made an effort to be more loving and caring to her and everyone, and honestly... Our marriage is better than ever. I've also made good on my promise to her to research everything I could with an open mind, and leave no stone unturned. I can often be found in the kitchen with my bible, computer and big green notebook, reading away. It also helps that my morals and attitude haven't become more 'worldly'.

    We finally had a good talk the other day, where she said she can tell I'm not lead by Satan like the org says, because my morals haven't changed. I not sure how that line of reasoning works, but I'm not gonna mess it up! She agrees with most of my views, but of course we don't talk much about doctrine. You don't talk doctrine with a cult member. She kept saying 'everyone's spirituality is between them and Jehovah' but doesn't see the harm in associating with JWs as the main form of worship. She obviously doesn't believe they are a destructive group, and still doesn't see how they're controlling. I'll work on that.. Somehow. She also doesn't believe that the FDS has been dishonest in their one-sided quote-mined articles. I wish I had compiled a list of examples. I'll do that this week.

    I feel like I'm laying the groundwork, though a bit too slowly. My inactive-ness will bring the hounders around sometime, it can't be much longer. I want my wife at least partially on my side by the time that happens. I think for her the Cog Dis must be getting tough to deal with! She just can't bear the thought of losing friends and family.

    I'm completely open for suggestions. Should I just keep it up, but a bit more aggressively? Or just drop a bombshell? I feel like the ideal time is running out before the shit hits the fan with the rest of the family and her cult self kicks back in.

    For the many husbands and wives on here who managed to wake each other up... How am I doing? What was it that finally woke you up?

    I appreciate all your input and advice, I lurk here everyday, and read most of the threads. I love this board! And look forward to the day when you all get to meet the beautiful Mrs Obvious. I WILL have a success story to share with you one day. Promise.

  • Phizzy

    Welcome back aboard your ship Captain, its my pleasure to Pipe you aboard !

    First of all I would say you are doing very very well, keep it up. You feel it is painfullly slow progress with your dear wife, and I empathise. For me the WT house of cards fell in no time, for my dear lady it took a lot longer, and even now, though we have been out for a number of yers, she still says about certain aspects that she is "not sure".

    I think this is because of our different natures, I have always loved acquiring knowledge and researching and reading. My wife really does not have the time or energy or will for that at present, and so she has not really "made the Truth her own" ,the truth about the WT and the Bible etc.

    But I am happy with where we have got to, she knows the JW religion is false, and says she would never go back, though she feels keeenly the loss of "friends".

    So, my advice is keep on as you are, slowly slowly baby steps are good, and every chance you get, spend quality time with your wife, doing stuff she likes, and if that calshes with a Meeting or two, what a bonus !

    Keep telling her you love her, and showing her you do, love conquers all.

    Good luck, one day she will say when you point out the WT is all crap "Aye Aye Captain!"

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    You're doing all the right things in the right way, and the results are already in your favour.

    You sound like a lovely couple, I hope she can be where you are sometime soon.

  • AnnOMaly

    Keep taking it slow. Mr. OMaly woke up long before I did. He kept a lot inside (even though it was killing him doing so). Some irritations with the org. would break through at times. However, it was my own observations and questions that shook me out of my slumber!

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done Captain! I think you're doing very well as you are, if you speed it up or drop bombs there will be fall out and mess possibly? 'Cunning as serpents, innocent as doves' remember? Sounds like your wife is already on your side in many ways, and if you get hunted down I think she'll be indignant at them. Then might the time for her to see the control issues, cos if you stated your views you'd be DFd for apostasy. Meanwhile keep up the loving care of her.

    i don't quite get the issue with your mom? She's DFd but won't talk to you?

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    SLOW SLOW SLOW dont up the ante, i get the impression you are gettin' impatient!

    all the best


  • notjustyet



  • DesirousOfChange

    She kept saying 'everyone's spirituality is between them and Jehovah' but doesn't see the harm in associating with JWs as the main form of worship.

    Her view about the no harm associating with them will change once she feels how differently she is treated because of your (and perhaps her) slowing down in serving them. Less meetings.....less field service.....and YOU/SHE will no longer be viewed as a "harmless" associate. You'll discover that you are excluded on most of the Congs extraurricular association.


  • besty

    Maybe do some research on ice cores and global floods ;-)

  • notjustyet

    Here is a link to jwfacts.com page where he discusses "What is wrong with being a Jehovahs Witness" You might find some talking points here.



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