Rick Simons' Opposition to WTS Motion in Conti case is brilliant--Check it out @ Alameda Sup Ct Website

by DNCall 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scott77

    <<<<" (d) The officer may prescribe terms and conditions to implement this section.">>>>

    Who is that 'officer' in question? The Watchtower's or the Court's?


  • 144001


    The "officer" is the judge.

  • Paralipomenon

    I think I read that the cost of the bond is $86,000 (one time or annual -- can anyone answer that?)

    Service-3 states that the cost of the bond is "nearly $100,000 a month"

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    So they need a true miracle. The legal merits seem to have no bearing on their strategy. They don't see the forest for the trees. I could see convincing an unsophisticated client but I expect the WT is very used to managing lawyers. They don't seem to care about public opinion.

    If Conti loses the appeal, she has already won the war.

    I can imagine what they would say about Roman Catholic lawyers who were ruthless protecting the church. The New York Times had a long article once about how the Catholic lawyers went beyond zealous representation to cruelty.

    I was born-in so the religion shaped me greatly. No matter how many posts I read, I am always amazed at what a cult (minus negative connotation). As a child, I accepted it as truth. As a grown adult with worldly experience, I am shocked that they have any adherents. Their overreach is so obvious. Of course, it is only so obvious to me because of decades of living a normal life.

  • 144001


    The bond is not $100k/month. I didn't bother to look at the documents again but my recollection is that the $86K is an annual bond premium.

    I think you may have been confused because the $100k/month was mentioned by Conti's counsel as post judgment interest which is accruing on her judgment (post judgment interest accrues at the rate of 10%/annum). Conti contended that the amount that she will eventually be entitled to collect is growing, because of the accrual of interest on the judgment.

  • sir82
    So they need a true miracle.

    If they get one, will it make it into the "new scrolls" they are expecting based on their interpretation of Revelation?

  • Paralipomenon

    @144001 - I reread it and stand corrected, thx.

  • 144001

    The motion was argued today. The court did not issue a ruling; the court instead "took it under submission," which means that the court will issue its ruling and send it to the parties, probably in the next few days.

  • panhandlegirl


  • A.M. Number 1

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