Having small children go door to door without their parents.

by life is to short 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OK so my husband still goes out in service. Last weekend he worked with an elder who is in his late 50's, another brother who is in his mid 60's, my husband is in his mid 60's and the idiot who conducted the meeting put a eight or nine year old girl with them.

    I asked my husband why? He said he thought it was strange also. The parents were out in service and it was just the way it wound up. It just totally creeps me out she is just a child.

    This girl's mom was the one who went to the elders and ratted me out for telling her that there were three pedophiles in the hall when this girl was three years old. The elder she talked to threatened to DF me for causing divisions in the hall and told me he had to convince this mom that the pedophiles were indeed safe to let her child be around.

    I do not know why it bothers me so much. I drilled my husband about if he was ever alone with the girl and he assured me over and over he was never alone but I just do not think it was right. If she had to go alone without her mom and dad put her with a family not three old men. Why would parents ever let the child go alone like that? OK the mom is beyond stupid I get but still.

    Am I wrong for finding this upsetting? I just cannot put my finger on why this upsets me so much.


  • Hortensia

    It's asking for trouble. What's going on in this mom's mind? How could an elder convince her that pedophiles are "safe?"

  • GLTirebiter
    Am I wrong for finding this upsetting?

    No, not at all. It is upsetting. Parents should be supervising their children, especially ones so young (who should not be out knocking on strangers' doors at all, but let's stay on topic). Whoever organizes the car groups should ensure children have parental supervision, whether or not it is official Watchtower policy.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    To the WT's credit, they've printed numerous times that children should work with their parents in the ministry.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You husband was never alone because he avoided it. A creep would do the opposite.

    If ever the child should be put with a pedophile, the elders/GB would say she never should let her child work alone with anyone other than her parents.

    The elders are asking for more lawsuits by not insisting that children remain with parents.

    It's sad, because I want Watchtower to fail due to lawsuits. But I want it to come from old cases that already happened. I don't want more children's lives screwed over to acheive this goal.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OTWO I agree I think that is what is bothering me so much. It would be a perfect chance for a pedophile to molest a child.

    I agree I do not want more children's lived screwed over. Yet there is nothing I can say or do about it. It just eats at me.


  • trujw

    I remember as a teenage JW the times I would sneak out lie have an alibi just to see my girlfriend JW. Many times we drank alcohol and NEVER got caught. To think a grow man can’t figure out how to manipulate these crazy JW’s and be alone with a kid is beyond reason. That is why it is a pedophile’s paradise.

  • Satanus

    'Am I wrong for finding this upsetting?'

    Not at all. It's unfreakin believable. How can a mother be so neglectful??!!


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    That was totally inappropriate!! They should never put a young girl in a car full of grown men, Someone is not using their head. I could see her in a car with sisters or another family if her family couldn't go out. My husband was an elder for many years and he was very careful to never be alone with a sister and to make sure children were with their families. If I was a youg girl like that I would not have been comfortable in a car full of older men!!

  • PaintedToeNail

    Also, this young girl may have been extremely uncomfortable going out in the field with 3 older men. I know I would have been at that age. Did anyone bother to ask her? Most likely not.

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