Whitney Heichel - first hand account from congregation member on Facebook

by sir82 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Recent update from JWtalk member.

    Brother Travis - have received several accounts from friends in her congregation and this one that you posted from Facebook is being questioned by them as it contains some inconsistencies, (it was removed from the Facebook page as soon as it was notified it contained inaccuracies) was not authorized by the family (not that anyone shouldn't be able to keep their own journal but for some reason, the friends are telling me the family does not approve of this one) and lastly, they don't know who this brother is nor what his motive is. (Not that his whole timeline is wrong, but I was told it contains "inaccuracies"winking smiley, and.. you will see why I am concerned when you read below. Do you personally know Alan? That would help them if they could identify him and clear up some of these issues. It would be awesome if you do know him!

    In fact, when I decided to research where this Facebook post has gone (which is all over the place!), the first "hit" was for a website with Jehovah's Witnesses in the name but it was an apostate web site with this as it's first post about it:
    "found this here: http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?49,130679,page=4";
    Yeah - that's a link right to this page! Your entire post was pasted into their web page. (Now, I'm sure I'll be mentioned on their site for posting this!!!) I don't mean to be calling you out on this brother, any one of us could have posted that. It certainly is encouraging and seems legit.

    Brothers and sisters - I have been waiting for an "official", verifiable "timeline" before I posted on here and even then, I'm a bit concerned about doing it in light of some recent so-called experiences that are being promoted as being from us but turn out being glommed on to by the apostates, changed, and then re-circulated as being from us. I believe this is one of the concerns and reasons for the Faithful Slave's admonition against posting unofficial or unconfirmed information (or, even confirmed and official info. such as notes from special events, recorded talks, etc.) on the internet? The apostates have their own agenda and job to do and the internet is turning out to be a wonderful tool for them just as it is for us...

    But for now, I have been asked (by members of her congregation - I personally know immediate relatives of the friends in her congregation who were first-hand involved in this incident) to clarify that the so-called timeline from Alan on Facebook contains some inaccuracies, and is not approved by the family. I know for a certainty that 1 inaccuracy is about the status of the murderer in the congregation. He was baptized, but his actions show that he was not a JW as JWs do NOT act this way.

    Every one else is having a hey day with the Facebook pages that were put up to help find her. One administrator of a page posted this today:
    "I was asked to take down Chelsea's things by her mother due to the fact that she was tired of trying to defend her daughter and it upset her seeing all the negative comments. I want you all to know how disgusted I am in you for what you have said about her and Whitney would be too. You do not treat a human being like that... This has made me really think about shutting this page down but when I see the missing photos of all the other people I know I can't. So here if your FINAL warning. I am done being polite and nice to you. If I see you disrespecting this page I will call you out on it and you will be blocked...There are plenty of other places you can spread your negativity..."

    For now, I just wanted to get the message out about the post from Alan...


  • Joepublisher1

    So much has been said that I would quickly say "ditto" to! But, if you are one of JWs or thinking of becoming a JW, take a close look at these posts by one-time JW members. You really do have to be a part of this religion to understand how they "think". The leaders of this religion over the years and decades, use end-less/repetitive meetings, literature, assemblies, etc. to wire the brains of the rank-and-file to think is a certain way. (btw: JWs often paint a very bad picture of Satan and all those individuals in the world who are part of it. They rarely [if ever] alert their own members to tragedies committed by their own members!!! They paint their members as the only people you can really trust in this world, albeit imperfect!)

    Years and decades of indoctrination is how JWs are able to make glaringly stupid and non-sensical statements, like "Jehovah must have caused it NOT to rain [when looking for clues]", without thinking or realizing that people are going to read that statement and wonder, "Well, if Jehovah God can stop the rain, WHY couldn't he stop the crime???"

    I, too, am outraged at how JWs [in that hall and surrounding JW communities] are using this incredibly sad event - and one caused by a FELLOW congregant - as a publicity opportunity for their religion! Don't they realize how bad this looks on so many counts - the foremost being that the perpetrator of this horrendous/awful crime was known because of attending the Kingdom Hall - a place repeatedly called a "spiritual paradise" [by the WTS leaders and parroted often by all JWs!]. (btw: One WTS public speaker recently told the audience at the Kingdom Hall, "Look around friends, these are the people that can be really trusted in this world". Unfortunately, young kids hear that message too and are NOT sufficiently warned against the pedophiles that have been discovered right in their midst!)

    I feel VERY sorry for Whitney's husband whose marriage was cut so short by a "trusted" congregant - one that they went out of their way to show kindness towards! And, of course, my heart goes out to the parents and family members and close friends. As far as fellow members, I would say:

    "Goodness... it's time for JWs to wake up from their brain-conditioning because they are really making fools of themselves and to themselves."

    Please educate yourself... so many of us have learned volumes from the internet and web-sites like JWFACTS. (Never listen to any person or organization that tries to control WHAT you read and how to think! God gave all of us a brain to think and to reason with.) If someone [or some organization is telling you NOT to read something, the FIRST thing you should do is to read it - you'll no doubt find out the reason why they didn't want you to read it!

    Peace to all (and esp. those who are suffering the effects of Superstorm Sandy). Please consider contributing - even if it's only $1 to the Red Cross and other fine organizations. Remember, 2 million people contributing $1.00 amounts to 2 million dollars! I'm not in an area that needs relief funds, but I'm sure I speak for those who are suffering from it, THANK YOU for your contributions and help.

  • james_woods

    One thing that strikes me as rather ironic is that the JWs now refuse to have food service at their assemblies - but think that having food service at this one-time "memorial" is not only fitting & proper, but probably a "miracle" because Wal-Mart donated sandwiches.

    Which makes me ask - what is the difference?

    Obviously, this was nothing but a PR show for the community. And yes, it has all the halmarks of organization from the top.

  • sabastious
    The Chief of Police has said that it is obvious that “God is with you people”, and the stories of how the evidence was so quickly found by the Brothers and Sisters and all came together so quickly, there is little doubt as to who was helping!The family made a comment at the end of our meeting which really set the tone for everything that followed the days to come, “The devil made a BIG mistake when he attacked this family. We are determined to turn this tragedy into a victory for Jehovah and give our community the biggest witness it has ever received.”

    This doesn't make any sense at all. With this person's reasoning God watched the rape and murder to the end and THEN used his holy spirit to direct the Witnesses to the body. If you got all these powers why not just prevent the murder in the first place? Why does the perpetrator have to be an agent of the devil anyway? Why can't he just be a pscyhopath that was using the Kingdom Hall as his own personal psycho project? They are making it out to look like rape/murders are actually GOOD for their religion's image. They don't seem to care much about the atrocity or how it could have been prevented, only that it makes them look bad. Their motivations are in a very dark place. This recounting gets me ill.


  • undercover

    I have been asked ... to clarify that the so-called timeline from Alan on Facebook contains some inaccuracies , and is not approved by the family. I know for a certainty that 1 inaccuracy is about the status of the murderer in the congregation. He was baptized, but his actions show that he was not a JW as JWs do NOT act this way.

    The denial is strong in this one...

    In one sentence he clarified that Holt was baptized, but then deluded himself into beliving that Holt couldn't be a JW.

  • kurtbethel

    I have been asked ... to clarify that the so-called timeline from Alan on Facebook contains some inaccuracies, and is not approved by the family. I know for a certainty that 1 inaccuracy is about the status of the murderer in the congregation. He was baptized, but his actions show that he was not a JW as JWs do NOT act this way.

    The denial is strong in this one...

    In one sentence he clarified that Holt was baptized, but then deluded himself into beliving that Holt couldn't be a JW.

    Yes, I saw that and decided he should win the circular reasoning award for that one. If you accept his reasoning, then anyone who is baptized and then masturbates, lies, steals, slanders or anything else is not a JW. So that means the count of members is off, and there are about maybe 5 JWs in the world.

  • james_woods

    Also sad irony that 20 JWs could not be saved from that truck accident in Nigeria (on the way to the convention) as their miracle-God was busy providing sandwiches and preventing rain during the memorial service for this tragedy.

  • steve2
    In one sentence he clarified that Holt was baptized, but then deluded himself into beliving that Holt couldn't be a JW.

    This is an uber modern variation on the statement about one's flesh and blood; "They're my children if they do well; if they don't do well, they're not mine."

    What a sickeningly banal line of "reasoning". Ultimately, it is pointless trying to expose this kind of simplistic thinking. Part of its appeal is at a certain level it appears to make sense. Yet, those interested in actually thinking the matter through to its fair conclusion would see that, for all the noise they make, JWs are prone to the very "wickednesses" they so lavishly accuse non-witnesses of. It's called rank hypocrisy. A little bit of humility along the lines of, "Yes, we too are human and some among us have engaged in heinous acts against their own brothers and sisters."

  • sir82

    It's tragi-comic, the way that JWTalk thread is going.

    They're so mortified that "apostates" will "get ahold" of this information and "twist it for their own agenda".

    Meanwhile, they ignore the fact that one of their own, one who proudly bore the name of their God, turned out to be one of the most sadistic and brutal killers imaginable makes no "twisting" necessary.

    The whole lot of them just ought to shut up if they can't humbly realize that they're really not that special, if they can't realize that the name of "Jehovah" is sullied by the actions of "Jehovah's Witnesses" far more effectively than by the efforts of a handful of "apostates".

  • Joepublisher1

    Is anyone else suspicious that certain members in the congregation went to the extent they did – virtually breaking the law – to obtain financial information about Whitney? Here’s what I think. Before the police [by law] could get involved, there was significant time for the elders and close friends to ask around and all congregations are alike, there are a core number of JWs that always seem to know what is going on in the congregation. I think the elders and close friends discovered reason to believe that one of their own was involved in this. And, I think the congregation was trying to get ahead of the police to see if they could quell things before the police or media got involved. Perhaps they thought the perpetrator was simply holding Whitney against her will and that they could talk him to his senses. However, once they discovered evidence that pointed to something more sinister, it would all look like they were simply attempting to help find Whitney, as any religious group would do in a similar circumstance. I hate being so cynical, but with all the bad publicity that JWs and the WTS has been going through, I don’t doubt that zealous JWs – including elders and whatnot – were VERY concerned about MORE bad publicity and were hoping for a different outcome – preferably one that wouldn’t involved the press!

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