What if you could just walk away? No DF'ing or Shunning?

by QuestioningEverything 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    I somewhat agree with TS. There would not be an "immediate mass exodus". Most people who are still in are pretty well programmed to follow the same routine.

    Just as an example, the WTS has been practically begging JWs (albeit subtly) to fill in their anti-blood DPAs to allow fractions - yet I'm sure well over 50% check the box saying "no fractions". The "no blood in any form" meme has them by the throat.

    However, within a few months of a "no more DF" policy, a trickle would start just not showing up any more at meetings. Eventually the trickle would grow to a stream, as people would see there were no repercussions for just stopping.

    Eventually, within probably 2-3 years, the JW population would probably half what it is now, or less, at least in the US & western Europe.

    I think in 3rd world countries the positives of being a JW outweigh even the harsh negatives of DFing, so the exodus would be slower there.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    The Watchtower claims the purpose is to cause those who stray to see the error of their ways and repent but the real truth is that the purpose of shunning is to keep witnesses in fear of leaving if they start having doubts. It is a very effective way of controling people.

    Recently on this board I mentioned my second cousin on my wife side of the family. When she left about four years ago her parents turned their back on her. She knew I was a Jdub at one time who left and she wanted to contact me. No one would give her my number. My wife had her number but didn't want to give it to me. They still try to control you after you leave. It really is quite the evil system.

    One channel on Direct TV is running a program called " The Mormon Candidate". It is about Mitt but it cover how Morons treat those who leave the church. Very similar to what the Dubs do.

  • Cagefighter

    Why not do it anyway? Why give them all the power. People have a right to think what they will about us no matter how ignorant or hurtful.

  • Vidiot

    If walking away were possible without the threat of DFing or shunning, there would be only one possible outcome...

    ...a mass Exodus.

    It's doubtful the WTS would survive.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I faded and eventually did tell my wife virtually everything. But it really was "virtually." I have had to hold back with my wife and hold back even more with my mother. I don't live a lie, but I don't do things "in their faces." I certainly would feel more free to say things if there were no shunning consequences. If there were no shunning consequences, I wouldn't give a hoot about the DF'ing.

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