I hope you die...

by WatchTowerofBabel 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    My mom once said it was a shame her grandson and his wife were expecting another child, because it would just die at Armageddon. I was still in, but I was horrified, I guess at that point I no longer felt that would really happen. It wad one of the more cruel and stupid she ever said. It was her own great grandchild, and she was sorry it was going to be born? Sick, twisted, and crazy thinking.

  • sabastious

    People who are intelligent will often ponder over the JW bonkers doctrine. If they do enough they will come to conclusions like, "If they die it would be great for them because they would wake up in the New System." I remember having arguments with Witnesses as a kid trying to tell them that something was wrong with our doctrine because dying was a good thing when you really thought about it. So strange...


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I remember when Pricess Diana died and Mother Theresa I thought it was a good thing because then they would be resurrected.

    I also hoped my toxic parents wouldn't die before armageddon cos then they would be killed and they needed to be because I did not want to live in paradise if they were there.

    Realising over the years that nasty as they were but now in their 80s chances were my parents would die before the Big A and so get a free pass to paradise whereas me, good little dubby doing the best I could albeit a depressed single Mum only "might" make it!

    It seemed a tad unfair

  • panhandlegirl

    Wow, this CULT really screws you up. I remember always praying that my brother would get out of the Navy before Armaggedon came and Jehovah killed him.When he did get out of the Navy (1958), he proceeded to get all our other relatives into the borg. I guess I never thought about our extended famiy dying in the big A. I don't remember wanting anyone to die before Armaggedon.


  • BabaYaga

    This is a poignant thread, Babel.

    Terrible what we held in our bright little hearts as children raised under such unnatural teachings. Folks who can't relate just have no idea how deeply scarred those "nice people going house to house" really are.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Wow, I haven't thought about that in years. I did wish certain people I loved would die before the Big A. I never went so far as to want to kill them myself, but wishing for someone's death is twisted enough.

  • aposta-Z

    I do not remember wishing other people's death. But I do remember hoping I would die soon. I guess I was just selfish. lol.
    Life in the borg was so heavy and I could not imagine when things would get worst during the great tribulation. Everyday was such a fight already.

  • AudeSapere

    I never thought to kill some out of 'love' but there were soo many strong feelings of hoping someone would die so they would be resurrected.

    For the few that did die (like grandparents), I never properly grieved their actual passing. Decades later, I still have occaisional overwhelming sense of loss. Loss of loved one and loss of time that was squandered while they were still alive. Not getting to know them as well as I should/could have, instead, time was spent preaching to them.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when worldly relatives or mates passed away, I often heard the joy of it, because they will get resurrected. Yep, joy at the thought

  • whathappened

    When I was a young girl, I remember hoping that I wouldn't die a virgin, because I was worried I would never experience a sexual encounter and would "be like the angels" when I got resurrected. (I no longer have to worry about dying a virgin, thank goodness.)

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