Why can't the WTBTS just let people go ?

by DATA-DOG 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Maybe, a bit of the controller mixed in. They hate losing control of others.


  • Violia

    They use fear, isolation and emotional blackmail bc it works. Someone once told me love and respect were nice but fear gets consistent results.

  • WTWizard

    If they ever let people go, then where would they get their money from? Also, if the fxxxing angels, and Jehovah himself, ever released people's souls back to people upon their renouncing such dedication, how would they be able to continue sucking them dry? These organizations, along with Jehovah and his angels, are parasites.

  • flipper

    DATA-DOG- WT society won't just let people go quietly because it's their job to be leaders and promoters of the mind control cult that is Jehovah's Witnesses and the WT society. It's about not losing members that could potentially contribute lots of $$$$$ to the WT society. So through use of guilt and fear of Armageddon they try to SCARE Witnesses into staying inside the organization. For example : " If you leave you'll be destroyed at Armageddon, fall into a hole, commit immorality, do drugs, be an alcoholic, etc. on and on. " So it's basically about control over peoples lives and money. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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