Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    No, any god will not do only One will do..sab

    But you just finished telling me this....about the Gods down here in NZ.

    Have you ever thought about giving them faith and seeing where that leads? ...sab

    If Christ is the way, why would you be telling me to find out about the NZ gods? They have nothing whatsoever to do with Christ. But you are telling me to put some faith in them? Ok, I find that odd.

    I used to have faith in god...it lead me to atheism. Why would faith in their gods lead me anywhere else?

  • EntirelyPossible

    I say that I am NOT wrong

    And that is wrong. You say wrong things all the time and then, when easily proven to be wrong, resort to saying ANYTHING, to lying, to obfuscating, to moving the goalposts in a desperate attempt to be right in any way. It's sad to watch.

    It's like a scientist who sticks to a claim even though his peers don't like it. If I am shown concrete evidence that I am wrong I will refine my position.

    Show that you have done this. For instance, you claim the Torah talks about genetics. When shown to be plainly wrong on all counts, you stick to your guns on it. And, BTW, peers not liking a claim is in no way being shown you are wrong. You are, as usual, wrongly mixing ideas.

    The problem is many want to define FOR ME what is concrete.

    That problem exists in your head and no where else. You make claims as if they are facts, they are shown easily to be unprovable or flat out wrong, then whine people are trying to define your reality. YOUR reality can be whatever you like. Actual reality isn't yours to define.

    I'm not saying you are wrong, I am saying I am right.

    Repeating it and lying about it over and over doesn't make it so.

    I don't respect anti-theist's opinion, but I don't go around trying to smear them, I just present my opinion which usually inflames the unbelievers (they never admit it though because they "never" get mad about their beliefs...). All you do is read and get offended, I think it's kind of funny.

    What a horrible and self serving lie this is. You have on this very thread called others ideas slime, called others pompous, vomit inducing, etc.

    The reason no one respects your ideas is that you will say literally anything to try to have any type of credibility. That's the funny part.

    I never just think I am right for no reason, you should know by now that when I think I am right I back up what I say.

    You think the Torah talks about gentics, slavery is awesom and equals free will and cutting off baby penis parts = gravity because God. You never think you are right for NO reason, you never have ANY reason.

    You, and your people, are dysfunctionally fused with the scientific method and I am not.

    I repeat, you endorse slavery and equate it with free will, think the Torah talks about genetics think gravity = cutting off parts of baby penises. I really don't think there is a stronger argument I can make for how ridiculous or nutty what you say is than what you do on your own.

    Yes, we are fused with a proven and reliable method that describes reality, benefits us, you, the world. In fact, without it, you wouldn't be able to post on this forum. Faith didn't invent computers, networks, the internet. Science did. It invented all of that, it invented medicine you need to live, medicine your parents and grandparents need to live, new jobs for them to make money, refrigeration to keep food around, preservatives to keep spoiled food from killing you, new ways to keep your house warm so you don't freeze in winter, new ways for you to get from place to place, to have goods shipped to your house, TV for you to entertain yourself, GPS so you know how to get where you are going.

    You decry science. That is your right. Just remember, the very thing you spend so much time belly aching, whining, bitching and crying about is the very thing keeping you alive long enough so you can cry and whine about how it makes you look like a fool.

    You are never going to be able to repsect true believers because they will not bend to the will of the scientific method, you will have to kill us if you want to live in a world without God. We will fight until our very last breath. I think you are way out of your league.

    Oh for fuck's sake, sabby, there are plenty of true believers I respect. Once again, you not getting respect because you say stupid shit doesn't mean everyone that believes in God says things as silly as you. No one wants to kill you. In fact, YOU are the only person to threaten violence on this forum, so you can climb down off the high horse you made for yourself, tell everyone you invited to your crybaby pity party to go home. No one is trying to hurt you or even cares that much about you. You personally, YOU are the only person in this discussion to ever go violent with your posts.

    You can fight all you want. No one cares. We just show you to be wrong and move on. Fight to your last breath, no one cares. You are pissing in the wind.

    You just won't realize the wind is the jet stream and it's aimed right at you and you can't, won't and don't know how to stop it.

  • EntirelyPossible

    They existed in the way Wild Bill Hickok or Johnny Appleseed existed. They were game changers of antiquity who were memorialized into mythology.

    Bill Hickock is a well dcoumented historical figure. Moses, Jesus, Elijah, etc., are not. You are wrong. Again.

    God is an idea, to us, because what we call reality is just a perception of reality.

    Me pooping out live monkeys is an idea. Glad to know that your God is equivalent to my live monkey poop.

    But he didn't create the world to not have power within it, but he also wants subjects who believe in him.

    If God wants something then he is not perfect. He is, therefore, not God. Thanks for proving my point!

    Oh, and I just pooped, no live monkeys. I'll keep you updated on my poop as it seems intrinsically realated to whether or not God is real.

  • sabastious
    But you just finished telling me this....about the Gods down here in NZ.

    Like I said you can let go of faith whenever you choose. The people around you, however, may not like it and they will use emotional control to keep you in, but you have to break through that. If they don't and they allow you to leave with dignity then that means they are a good group. In any event if you keep hold of God's hand you will eventually find the truth that there is only One God and that giving your allegiance to Him is the best course of action not only for you, but for everyone on the planet. Just because you let go of a certain faith doesn't mean you have to let go of God. Those religious people in your country are not wrong, that's not a beneficial way of approaching them (unless they lie). God may be manifesting in a younger form for them for reasoning not well understood. Nonetheless if they are being fruitful and filling the earth then that's good, they are doing what they are supposed to do. However there is more to life than that, that's just the foundation.

    If Christ is the way, why would you be telling me to find out about the NZ gods? They have nothing whatsoever to do with Christ. But you are telling me to put some faith in them? Ok, I find that odd.

    The thing about Christ is that the Son of God came to earth and did something special for humanity. Any religious group, or any group for that matter, that denies that is anti-christ. There are many religious groups that DON'T deny Christ. I wouldn't suggest going to any religions that deny any other religions. A good group doesn't demonize others. A good group also doesn't deny historical events that they cannot prove didn't take place. Having faith that Jesus, the deity, didn't come to earth is not a verifiable fact and therefore any group who teaches this I would stay away from. They are probably no better than the Watchtower.


  • sabastious

    EP I don't read your posts anymore, I just scroll on by.


  • EntirelyPossible

    EP I don't read your posts anymore, I just scroll on by.

    I am not suprised. You can't refute what I can, you can't support your own position, you threaten violence when you feel your ideas being threatened, you lie, you make up anything you can to support whatever ridiculous position of the day you have suddenly decided is right, you play the professional victim to try to get support by sympathy.

    Why would I be surpised at your denial of your obession with me? I mean, you already said I was good for you, talked about men exposing myself and said you wanted to nail me. Denial is the next logical step. No worries, kiddo, I'll be here when you need me. Don't hate yourself for the way you feel about me.

  • sabastious

    A religion who has to lie to their members is no religion at all. Those people should be exposed in full and punished for their actions. So, you have to be careful about shysters, ST. It appears that after you left the Watchtower you went into religion study mode, which is a good thing, but what about experiencing other religions (ever seen the show 30 days?) How many atheists go out and do that? It's one thing to deem a religion false, it's another to practice it with them and then say it to their face. I have been having Mormon missionaries come to my house every once in a while and I have a hard time telling them it's not as real as they say it is. They are just so earnest and sincere I hate to burst their bubble. However they are the ones that say there is "truth in all religion" so I could just use that with them. Because that's their punch line, that they have the "most truth" which is a funny claim to me.


  • EntirelyPossible

    A religion who has to lie to their members is no religion at all. Those people should be exposed in full and punished for their actions. So, you have to be careful about shysters, ST.

    You mean like people that claim the Torah talks about genetics, the golden rules means an eye for an eye or that cutting off parts of baby penis = gravity because God? Lies like those?

  • sabastious

    ST do you think I am a liar? Do you think the Mormon missionaries that come to my house are liars?


  • sabastious

    Outlaw, I don't like being made fun of, sorry, maybe one day he'll see that? Gotta have consequences for your actions.


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