Obamas vs Romneys

by InquiryMan 61 Replies latest social current

  • InquiryMan

    Just a funny poll from a European perspective:

    In a major Norwegian newspaper 84 percent voted Barack Obama best in the 2nd presidential debate,
    at the same time there was a poll on which dress was the most flattering to their wives – they were both in pink.

    Michelle got the exact same vote as her husband, 84 per cent were in favor of her dress.


  • Glander

    I thought Michelles dress made her look like she has a big, rump sprung, bovine hieny. Oh, wait a minute....

  • freydo

    Romney won the second debate

    By scoring big on the economy, gas prices, and Libya, Romney continued his victorious string of debate wins. He looked more presidential than Obama did and showed himself to be an articulate, capable, attractive, compassionate leader with sound ideas.

    Obama came over as boorish and Biden-esque. He did not learn from his Vice President's mistakes. When a president gets into a bar room brawl, he loses his dignity and his aura, key assets for an incumbent. Romney was polite but firm. Obama seemed quarrelsome, frustrated, nasty, and cranky.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/10/17/romney-won-second-debate/#ixzz29ZkWA68c

  • designs

    Romney got mop detail or was the mop.

  • freydo
  • mrsjones5

    " I thought Michelles dress made her look like she has a big, rump sprung, bovine hieny. Oh, wait a minute...."

    Down Gman, down!

  • freydo

    It's evil vs evil - Muslim vs Mormon

    Does Obama's ring really show the Shahada?

    Full story: Free Republic

    A World Net Daily report alleging that a ring President Barack Obama wears on his left hand includes the Islamic and Arabic phrase, “There is no God but Allah,” has been making its way across social media and the blogosphere ...

  • freydo

    Farrakhan chides Obama, rips GOP and Romney in Charlotte
    ".....While saying that he “loves my homosexual brothers and sisters,” he said they are disobeying prohibitions set out in the Bible and the Quran.“Now you want to change God’s ways so God doesn’t know what he’s doing.....”

    Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/10/15/171494/...


  • freydo
    ELECTION 2012

    Threats to kill Romney explode after debate

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    (INFOWARS.COM) Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race......


  • sir82

    Whoa! Stop the presses!

    An opinion piece on Fox News says Romney won the 2nd debate!

    Never could have anticipated that one coming!

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